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Rhymes stressed on /ɔɪ/[edit]


  1. Further rhymes can be obtained by:
Rhymes ending in Example Longer endings
/ɔɪ/ boy /ɔɪ.../
foible, etc /ɔɪb.../
boychick, etc /ɔɪtʃ.../
/ɔɪd/ void /ɔɪd.../
/ɔɪf/ coif
/ɔɪk/ oik
/ɔɪl/ oil /ɔɪl.../
/ɔɪld/ boiled
/ɔɪlt/ spoilt
/ɔɪlz/ oils
loimic, etc /ɔɪm.../
/ɔɪn/ coin /ɔɪn.../
/ɔɪnd/ coined /ɔɪnd.../
/ɔɪnt/ point /ɔɪnt.../
/ɔɪnz/ coins
/ɔɪŋ/ boing
/ɔɪŋk/ oink /ɔɪŋk.../
Moira, etc /ɔɪɹ.../
/ɔɪs/ voice /ɔɪs.../
/ɔɪst/ hoist /ɔɪst.../
/ɔɪt/ quoit /ɔɪt.../
/ɔɪts/ quoits
/ɔɪz/ noise /ɔɪz.../