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The website has the following etymology:

(1) hài, (2) giầy, (3) giày, (4) guốc, (5) dép, (6) hia xié (hài) [ Vh @ QT xié, xī, guā < MC ɠaj < OC *ghre:, *ɠaj | Pt 戶佳, 戶皆 | PNH: QĐ haai4, Hẹ hai3 | Kangxi: 《廣韻》《集韻》𠀤戸佳切,音膎。《釋名》鞋,解也。著時縮其上如履然,解其上則舒解也。《玉篇》本作鞵。 又《集韻》懸圭切,音攜。系也。 又公蛙切,音媧。車上系。 || Handian: ◎ 鞋鞵xié 〈名〉(1) 形聲。從革, 圭聲。 皮革鞋的材料。“”古音相近。本義: 鞋子。“履”在戰國以前一般只作動詞用。一般用“”稱鞋子。用“鞋”是唐以後的事了。 || Starostin: shoe(s). (Tang). Also read g|a.j (FQ 戶皆 ) in MC (which is probably a dialectal variant). Regular Sino-Viet. is hài; another Viet. colloquial loan from the same source is hia 'mandarin's boots'. For *gh- cf. Min forms: Xiamen ue2, Chaozhou oi2, Fuzhou a2, Jianou ai9. | ¶ x- ~ gi-, d-(j-), § xié (hài) ~ jiē (giai) || td. 對鞋 duìxié (đôigiầy) ] , shoes, boots, sandals, slippers, footwear in general, Also:, wooden shoes, wooden clogs, {ID9893} 19:03, 16 January 2011 (UTC)[reply]