
From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
(Redirected from Template:desc-bottom)
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A user has added this template to requests for deletion(+).
Please see that page for discussion and justifications. You may continue to edit this template while the discussion proceeds, but please mention significant edits at the RFD discussion and ensure that the intention of votes already cast is not left unclear. Do not remove the {{rfd}} until the debate has finished.

{{descendants-top}} and {{descendants-bottom}} are used in combination in the "Descendants" sections of entries to list the descendants of a term in two columns in a collapsible box. They are implemented using HTML.



|1= (optional)
The term for which descendants are being listed, which is displayed in the box label. Defaults to the entry name.
|pos= (optional)
The part of speech of the term. If given it is displayed after the term in the box label.


|note= (optional)
A note displayed at the bottom of (but inside of) the box.