On Goguryeo

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On Goguryeo

Hi CodeCat! We have a user who has been adding Goguryeo terms. I suggested to Ruakh that if they aren't valid because they are reconstructions, perhaps they could be added to an appendix. Ruakh said that they appear to be a single scholar's reconstructions, rather than something generally accepted, and said I should check with you for your opinion, given that you have more experience in this sort of thing. I have started a conversation at Wiktionary:BP#On_Goguryeo and would appreciate any input you have! Best regards.

BB12 (talk)20:28, 25 October 2012

I really have no idea about Goguryeo, sorry.

CodeCat20:29, 25 October 2012

I should have been more specific. The issue is about putting reconstructions, and specifically, reconstructions made by a single scholar into an appendix and/or allowing them in the main namespace? Also of interest is that these terms are being added as Chinese characters--if these are reconstructions, then applying Chinese characters seems valid, if shaky.

BB12 (talk)21:21, 25 October 2012

Well, citations of usage require three, but we have no specific requirement for reconstructions so one source can be enough. But if they are indeed reconstructed then they probably don't belong in mainspace.

CodeCat21:36, 25 October 2012

Thank you for the guidance!

BB12 (talk)22:38, 25 October 2012