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function addlink(url, name)
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  return na;

function addexplicitlink(url, name)
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  var txt = document.createTextNode(name);
  return na;

function pipe(td)
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function replace()
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function t(txt)
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function sig()
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function template(tm)
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function user_talk_template(tm, sum)
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function transwiki_history()
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    title = RegExp.$1;

  txt.value = "This article was [[m:transwiki|transwiki]]ed from [[w:" + title + "]]." + sig() + "\n\nThe history of the article there was:\n" + txt.value;

  // And summary
  document.editform.wpSummary.value = "[[m:transwiki|transwiki]]ed from [[w:" + title + "]]";

function transwiki_summary()
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    title = RegExp.$1;

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function transwiki_log(title)
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  txt.value += "*[[w:" + title + "]] &rarr; [[Transwiki:" + title + "]]" + sig();
  document.editform.wpSummary.value = "[[Transwiki:" + title + "]] transwikied from [[w:" + title + "]]";

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                lks[a].setAttribute('href', '/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Cryptic&action=history');

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  td.appendChild(addlink('Special:Randompage', 'Random'));
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  td.appendChild(addlink('Wiktionary Appendix:IPA Examples', 'IPA'));

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      td.appendChild(addexplicitlink('javascript:replace()', 'Replace'));

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          td.appendChild(addexplicitlink('javascript:transwiki_history()', 'Fixup Transwiki history'));
      else if (document.title.indexOf("Editing Transwiki:") == 0)
          td.appendChild(addexplicitlink('javascript:transwiki_summary()', 'Transwiki summary'));
      else if (document.title.indexOf("Editing Wiktionary:Transwiki log") == 0)
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