User:Robert Ullmann/SC recovery/report/h

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entry short definition tag languages present to be recovered
hadron hadron
хадрон hadron
haićanski Haitian
хаићански Haitian
hajati (intransitive) to care
хајати (intransitive) to care
hajduk brigand, outlaw Croatian
хајдук brigand, outlaw
hajka chase, pursuit, hunt
хајка chase, pursuit, hunt
haker (computing) hacker
хакер (computing) hacker
hala hall Croatian
хала hall
halabuka noise, hubbub Croatian
халабука noise, hubbub
halif caliph Bosnian,Serbian
халиф caliph Serbian
haljina dress Croatian
хаљина dress
halka metal ring Bosnian,Serbian
halucinacija hallucination
halucinirati (intransitive) to hallucinate
халуцинирати (intransitive) to hallucinate
halucinogen hallucinogenic, hallucinatory
халуциноген hallucinogenic, hallucinatory
han inn
хан inn
haos (Bosnian, Serbian) (uncountable) chaos tag Bosnian,Serbian
хаос (Bosnian, Serbian) (uncountable) chaos tag Serbian
haploidan (cytology) haploid
хаплоидан (cytology) haploid
harati (transitive) to pillage, root Bosnian,Serbian
харати (transitive) to pillage, root Serbian
harem harem Bosnian,Croatian,Serbian
харем harem Serbian
harfa harp Bosnian,Croatian,Serbian
харфа harp Serbian
harmonika accordion Bosnian,Serbian
хармоника accordion Serbian
harmonikaš accordionist Bosnian,Serbian
хармоникаш accordionist Serbian
harpija harpy
харпија harpy
hastal (dated) table
havajski Hawaiian
хавајски Hawaiian
хаварија accident, crash, wreck (esp. shipwreck, emerg ...
hazard gamble, gambling
хазард gamble, gambling
hazardni hazardous
хазардни hazardous
hebrejski Hebrew Bosnian,Serbian
хебрејски Hebrew Serbian
heksadecimalan hexadecimal Bosnian,Serbian
хексадецималан hexadecimal Serbian
heksametar hexameter
хексаметар hexameter
hemija (uncountable) (Bosnian, Serbian) chem ... tag Bosnian,Serbian
хемија (uncountable) (Bosnian, Serbian) chem ... tag Serbian
hemijski (Bosnian, Serbian) chemical tag
хемијски (Bosnian, Serbian) chemical tag
hemičar (Bosnian, Serbian) chemist tag
хемичар (Bosnian, Serbian) chemist tag
hemičarka (Bosnian, Croatian) chemist tag
heraldika heraldry Bosnian,Croatian,Serbian
хералдика heraldry Serbian
hermetičan hermetic
херметичан hermetic
hermetički hermetic
херметички hermetic
hermetično hermetically
херметично hermetically
heroina heroine
хероина heroine
heroizam (uncountable) heroism Croatian
хероизам (uncountable) heroism
heroj hero
херој hero
herojski heroic
херојски heroic
herojstvo (countable) heroic deed Croatian
херојство (countable) heroic deed
heterogen heterogeneous Croatian
хетероген heterogeneous
heteroseksualnost heterosexuality
хетеросексуалност heterosexuality
hetitski Hittite
хетитски Hittite
hibrid hybrid
хибрид hybrid
hidrat (chemistry) hydrate Croatian
хидрат (chemistry) hydrate
hidroksid hydroxide
hidropatija hydropathy
higijena (uncountable) hygiene
хигијена (uncountable) hygiene
higijenski hygienic
хигијенски hygienic
hijena hyena (animal)
хијена hyena (animal)
hijerarhija hierarchy Croatian
хијерархија hierarchy
hijerarhijski hierarchical
хијерархијски hierarchical
hiljada thousand tag
хиљада thousand tag
himna hymn
химна hymn
hiperbola hyperbola Croatian
хипербола hyperbola
hiperboličan hyperbolic
хиперболичан hyperbolic
hiperonim hypernym Croatian
хипероним hypernym
хиперонимија (semantics) hyperonymy
hipnoza hypnosis
хипноза hypnosis
hiponim hyponym Croatian
хипоним hyponym
хипонимија (semantics) hyponymy
hipotaksa (grammar) hypotaxis Bosnian,Croatian,Serbian
хипотакса (grammar) hypotaxis
hipoteka mortgage Croatian
хипотека mortgage
hipotetičan hypothetical
хипотетичан hypothetical
hipotetično hypothetically
хипотетично hypothetically
histerija hysteria
хистерија hysteria
histeričan hysterical
хистеричан hysterical
historija history tag Bosnian
хисторија history tag
hitan urgent
хитан urgent
hitar fast
хитар fast
hitno urgently
хитно urgently
hitro fast
хитро fast
hlad shade (darkness where light, particularly sun ...
хлад shade (darkness where light, particularly sun ...
hladan cold Bosnian,Croatian,Serbian
хладан cold Serbian
hladnoća (uncountable) coldness Bosnian,Croatian,Serbian
хладноћа (uncountable) coldness Serbian
hlače (plurale tantum) trousers Croatian
хлаче (plurale tantum) trousers
hlorofil (Bosnian, Serbian) chlorophyll (green pig ... tag Bosnian,Serbian
хлорофил (Bosnian, Serbian) chlorophyll (green pig ... tag Serbian
hmelj (uncountable) hop (plant)
хмељ (uncountable) hop (plant)
hobotnica octopus
хоботница octopus
hod walk, gait Bosnian,Croatian,Serbian
ход walk, gait Serbian
hodati to walk, pace Croatian
ходати to walk, pace
hokej (uncountable) hockey
хокеј (uncountable) hockey
Holandija Holland (region in the Netherlands) Bosnian,Croatian,Serbian
Холандија Holland (region in the Netherlands) Serbian
holandski (Bosnian, Serbian) Dutch tag
холандски (Bosnian, Serbian) Dutch tag
homić (colloquial) gay person, homosexual (male)
хомић (colloquial) gay person, homosexual (male)
homogenost (uncountable) homogeneity
хомогеност (uncountable) homogeneity
homomorfizam (mathematics) homomorphism Croatian
хомоморфизам (mathematics) homomorphism
homonim homonym Croatian
хомоним homonym
homoniman homonymous
хомониман homonymous
хомонимија (semantics) homonymy
homoseksualac a gay person, homosexual (male)
хомосексуалац a gay person, homosexual (male)
homoseksualan homosexual
хомосексуалан homosexual
homoseksualnost homosexuality
хомосексуалност homosexuality
Honduras Honduras Bosnian,Serbian
Хондурас Honduras Serbian
horizont događaja (astrophysics) event horizon
хоризонт догађаја (astrophysics) event horizon
horizont horizon
хоризонт horizon
hormon hormone
хормон hormone
hormonalan hormonal
хормоналан hormonal
horoz rooster (bird) Bosnian,Serbian
хороз rooster (bird) Serbian
hotel hotel
хотел hotel
hotentotski Hottentot
хотентотски Hottentot
hotimice intentionally, deliberately
хотимице intentionally, deliberately
hotimičan deliberate, intentional
хотимичан deliberate, intentional
hotimično deliberately, intentionally
хотимично deliberately, intentionally
hoverkraft hovercraft Croatian
ховеркрафт hovercraft
hrabar bold, courageous, brave Bosnian,Croatian,Serbian
храбар bold, courageous, brave Serbian
hrabriti (transitive) to encourage, cheer up, embo ...
храбрити (transitive) to encourage, cheer up, embo ...
hrabro courageously, boldly
храбро courageously, boldly
hrabrost courage
храброст courage
hram temple Bosnian,Croatian,Serbian
храм temple Serbian
hrana food Bosnian,Croatian,Serbian
храна food Serbian
hraniti (transitive, reflexive) to feed Croatian
хранити (transitive, reflexive) to feed
hrast oak (tree) Bosnian,Croatian,Serbian
hrid cliff
хрид cliff
hrišćanstvo (Bosnian, Serbian) (uncountable) Chri ... tag Bosnian,Serbian
хришћанство (Bosnian, Serbian) (uncountable) Chri ... tag Serbian
hrkati (intransitive) to snore Croatian
хркати (intransitive) to snore
hrknuti (intransitive) to snore
хркнути (intransitive) to snore
hrom lame, limping (unable to walk properly) tag Croatian
хром lame, limping (unable to walk properly) tag
hronika (Bosnian, Serbian) chronicle tag Serbian
хроника (Bosnian, Serbian) chronicle tag
hroničar (Bosnian, Serbian) chronicler tag
hronologija (Bosnian, Serbian) chronology tag Serbian
хронологија (Bosnian, Serbian) chronology tag
hrpa heap, pile Croatian
хрпа heap, pile
hrsuz thief
хрсуз thief
hrt greyhound
хрт greyhound
Hrvat Croat (male person) Croatian
Хрват Croat (male person)
Hrvatica Croat (female person) Croatian
Хрватица Croat (female person)
Hrvatska Croatia tag Bosnian,Croatian,Serbian
Хрватска Croatia tag Serbian
hrvatski Croatian tag Bosnian,Croatian,Serbian
hrvatski ovčar Croatian Sheepdog tag
хрватски овчар Croatian Sheepdog tag
хрватски Croatian tag Serbian
hrčak hamster Bosnian,Croatian,Serbian
хрчак hamster Serbian
hteti to be willing, will tag Serbian
хтети to be willing, will
htjeti to be willing, will tag Croatian
хтјети to be willing, will
huligan hooligan
хулиган hooligan
huliganski of or pertaining to hooligans
хулигански of or pertaining to hooligans
huliganstvo hooliganism
хулиганство hooliganism
human humane (with regard for the health and well-b ...
хуман humane (with regard for the health and well-b ...
humanitaran humanitarian
хуманитаран humanitarian
humano humanely
хумано humanely
humanost (uncountable) humaneness
хуманост (uncountable) humaneness
humor (uncountable) humor
хумор (uncountable) humor
hvala thank Bosnian Croatian,Serbian
хвала thank Serbian
hvalisati (reflexive) to boast, brag
хвалисати (reflexive) to boast, brag
hvalisav boastful
хвалисав boastful
hvalisavo boastfully
хвалисаво boastfully
hvaliti (transitive) to praise, commend, laud Croatian
хвалити (transitive) to praise, commend, laud
hvatati (transitive) to grab, seize, take hold of
хватати (transitive) to grab, seize, take hold of
hći (Chakavian) daughter tag Croatian*