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Lapine is a fictional language created by author Richard Adams for his 1972 novel Watership Down.

Selected words

  • elil (enemies)
  • embleer (having the smell of a fox)
  • flay (food)
  • flayrah (good food)
  • Frith (Sun)
  • Frithrah (oh my God)
  • fu-Inlé (after moonrise)
  • hain (song)
  • hlao (depression in the ground holding moisture)
  • hlessi (wandering rabbit)
  • homba (fox)
  • hrair (many)
  • hraka (droppings; shit)
  • hrududu (human-made machine)
  • Inlé (moon; moonrise; fear)
  • lendri (badger)
  • li (head)
  • marli (doe; mother)
  • m'saion (we meet them)
  • narn (tasty)
  • ni-Frith (noon)
  • nildro (blackbird)
  • Owsla (elite guard of a warren)
  • pfeffa (cat)
  • silf (outside)
  • silflay (to feed outside)
  • tharn (paralyzed with fear)
  • thlay (fur)
  • threar (rowan)
  • u (the)
  • vair (to excrete)
  • yona (hedgehog)
  • zorn (destroyed; alas)


  • -il (plural)
  • -rah (honorific)
  • -roo (diminutive)

See also
