Wiktionary:Word of the day

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Wiktionary’s Word of the Day features interesting words, terms, and phrases on the Main Page. For Words of the Day in languages other than English, see Foreign Word of the Day. At present, Sgconlaw (talkcontribs) is in charge of the process, setting dates for the words.

Today’s Word of the Day

Word of the day
for June 16
sacrifice n
  1. (religion)
    1. Originally, the killing (and often burning) of a human being or an animal as an offering to a deity; later, also the offering of an object to a deity.
    2. A human being or an animal, or a physical object or immaterial thing (see sense 1.3), offered to a deity.
    3. (figurative) The offering of devotion, penitence, prayer, thanksgiving, etc., to a deity.
    4. (Christianity, specifically)
      1. Jesus Christ's voluntary offering of himself to God the Father to be crucified as atonement for the sins of humankind.
      2. (by extension) The rite of Holy Communion or the Mass, regarded as (Protestantism) an offering of thanksgiving to God for Christ's crucifixion, or (Roman Catholicism) a perpetual re-enactment of Christ's sacrificial offering.
  2. (figurative)
    1. The destruction or surrender of anything for the sake of something else regarded as more urgent or valuable; also, the thing destroyed or surrendered for this purpose.
    2. (baseball) Short for sacrifice bunt or sacrifice hit (a play in which the batter intentionally hits the ball softly with a hands-spread batting stance at the cost of an out to advance one or more runners)
    3. (bridge) In full sacrifice bid: a bid of a contract which is unlikely to be fulfilled, that a player makes in the hope that they will incur fewer penalty points than the points likely to be gained by opponents in making their contract.
    4. (business, slang, dated) A monetary loss incurred by selling something at less than its value; also, the thing thus sold.
    5. (chess) An act of intentionally allowing one's piece to be captured by the opponent in order to improve one's position in the game. [...]

In many countries, today is the start of عِيد الْأَضْحَى (ʕīd al-ʔaḍḥā, Eid al-Adha or Festival of the Sacrifice), an Islamic festival which honours the willingness of the prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to Allah’s command.

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Although there were several early attempts to begin a Word of the Day on Wiktionary, the first official WOTD was posted on 10 January 2006.

Considerable opposition to the now wildly popular WOTD was raised, as it was felt that one full year’s supply of terms should be prepared before it appeared on the Main Page. That took over a year to happen.

In 2007, the RSS feed was created, then an alternate feed (no longer operational) was later added. In July and August 2007, the WOTD was added to the Wikimedia Daily Article Mailing List.

Also in early 2007, the entries started being marked with {{was wotd}} to prevent duplicates, and an alphabetic index (which has since failed RFD) was added.

No voting process currently exists for deciding the terms that get featured as WOTD. The volunteers managing it use a set of criteria to ensure adequate variety for any given month’s batch of WOTDs. For details, please see “Wiktionary:Word of the day/Nominations”. Before entries finally make it into the spotlight, they are vetted and tidied up to ensure they are properly formatted and referenced, have suitable quotations, and so on. Only then will they be awesome enough to show to the world!