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Old Church Slavonic




From Proto-Slavic *věděti, from *věďa, from Proto-Indo-European *wóyde (to know), perfect of *weyd- (to see, to know).



вѣдѣти (vědětiimpf

  1. to know
    • ⱀⰵ ⰲⱑⱄⱅⱏ (leaf 86, line 9)”, in Codex Zographensis [Глаг. 1]‎[1] (in Old Church Slavonic), National Library of Russia, 1000±33, page Mk:4:26:
      тако естъ цр҃сие бж҃ие ꙗкоже чк҃ъ въмѣтаетъ сѣмѧ въ земл҄ѫ· ꙇ҅ съпитъ· ꙇ҅ въстаетъ ношть ꙇ҅ дьнь· ꙇ҅ сѣмѧ прозѧбаетъ· ꙇ҅ растетъ ꙗкоже не вѣстъ онъ·
      tako estŭ cr:sije bž:ije jakože čk:ŭ vŭmětajetŭ sěmę vŭ zemlʹhǫ· i sŭpithŭ· i vŭstajetŭ nošthĭ i dĭnhĭ· i sěmę prozębajethŭ· i rastetŭ jakože ne věstŭ onŭ·
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • from Slavonic Josephus, книга 3, 417б:
      ци не вѣдѣхъ иоудѣиска закона, како воеводамъ достоино оумирати.
      ci ne věděxŭ iuděiska zakona, kako vojevodamŭ dostoino umirati.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  2. to see
    • from the Life of Constantine:
      филосѡѳе, вѣмь тѧ троудна соуща, но достоить тебѣ тамо ити.
      filosoθe, věmĭ tę trudna sušta, no dostoitĭ tebě tamo iti.
      Philosopher, I see that you are weary, but it does suit you to go there.





Derived terms



  • Bulgarian: неведом (nevedom) (adj)
  • Russian: весть (vestʹ, (he/she/it) knows, in set expressions)


  • Бояджиев, Андрей (2016) Старобългарска читанка[2], София

Further reading
