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♍︎ ♍️
Text style is forced with ⟨︎⟩ and emoji style with ⟨️⟩.
U+264D, ♍

Miscellaneous Symbols
On this 16th-century clock-face, Virgo (from 2 o'clock to 3 o'clock on the outer dial, under the moon hand) indicates September.



Alternative forms


The symbol may have a single hump, rather than two, with the loop crossing the second downward stroke, or have three downward strokes but with the third ending in a tail, like the letter ɱ, without a crossing loop.



Unknown, but it has been suggested that the symbol derives from a letter M for (the Virgin) Mary in the Middle Ages, though the sign had earlier been identified with the goddess Ceres/Demeter. It has also been suggested to be a ligature of Greek παρ (par), for Ancient Greek παρθένος (parthénos, maiden).




  1. (astrology) The symbol for the sign Virgo.
  2. (astronomy, rare) The symbol for the constellation Virgo.
  3. (rare) August[1]
  4. (alchemy, archaic) distillation
    Synonym: 🝠
(2): The 1833 US Nautical Almanac using the symbol ⟨♍︎⟩ for stars in the constellation of Virgo, here θ ♍︎ (Theta Virginis), ν ♍︎ (Nu Virginis), π ♍︎ (Pi Virginis).
(2): The 1833 US Nautical Almanac using the symbol ⟨♍︎⟩ for stars in the constellation of Virgo, here θ ♍︎ (Theta Virginis), ν ♍︎ (Nu Virginis), π ♍︎ (Pi Virginis).


See also

Zodiac signs (translingual) (layout · text)
ariēs taurus geminī cancer
leō virgō lībra scorpiō
sagittārius capricornus aquārius piscēs


  1. ^ Rudolf Koch (1955 [1930]) The Book of Signs. Dover, p. 55