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Alternative forms




Inherited from Old Ruthenian -ливый (-livyj), from Old East Slavic -ливъ (-livŭ), from Proto-Slavic *-lъ + *-ivъ. Cognate with Russian -ли́вый (-lívyj), Belarusian -лі́вы (-lívy), Polish -liwy. Reanalyze as (-l) +‎ -ивий (-yvyj)



-ли́вий (-lývyjm (feminine -лива)

  1. (appended to nouns) -ful, -ly, -y, -ous, etc. (forms adjectives with the sense of "being characterized by the noun")
    боягу́з (bojahúz, coward) + ‎-ливий (-lyvyj) → ‎боягу́зливий (bojahúzlyvyj, cowardly)
    боя́знь (bojáznʹ, fear, phobia) + ‎-ливий (-lyvyj) → ‎боязли́вий (bojazlývyj, fearful, timid)
    мі́на (mína, change) + ‎-ливий (-lyvyj) → ‎мінли́вий (minlývyj, unstable, mutable, changeable, fickle)
    пого́рда (pohórda, contempt, disdain) + ‎-ливий (-lyvyj) → ‎погордли́вий (pohordlývyj, contemptuous, disdainful)
    хворо́ба (xvoróba, sickness, disease) + ‎-ливий (-lyvyj) → ‎хворобли́вий (xvoroblývyj, sickly, (figurative) unhealthy)
  2. (appended to verbs) -ing (forms adjectives with the sense of "tending to perform the action denoted by the verb")
    дба́ти (dbáty, to care about, to look after) + ‎-ливий (-lyvyj) → ‎дбайли́вий (dbajlývyj, caring, careful, heedful)
    берегти́ (berehtý, to conserve, to spare) + ‎-ливий (-lyvyj) → ‎бережли́вий (berežlývyj, sparing, economical, frugal)
    приголо́мшити (pryholómšyty, to stun, to astonish, to flabbergast) + ‎-ливий (-lyvyj) → ‎приголо́мшливий (pryholómšlyvyj, stunning, astonishing, flabbergasting)
    (obsolete) презира́ти (prezyráty, to despise, to disdain, to scorn) + ‎-ливий (-lyvyj) → ‎прези́рливий (prezýrlyvyj, disdainful, scornful, contemptuous)



Derived terms
