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English citations of attain

1678 1818
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1678John Bunyan. The Pilgrim's Progress.
    Suppose a man, a minister, or a tradesman, &c., should have an advantage lie before him, to get the good blessings of this life, yet so as that he can by no means come by them except, in appearance at least, he becomes extraordinarily zealous in some points of religion that he meddled not with before, may he not use these means to attain his end, and yet be a right honest man?
  • 1818Mary Shelley. Frankenstein.
    We have already reached a very high latitude; but it is the height of summer, and although not so warm as in England, the southern gales, which blow us speedily towards those shores which I so ardently desire to attain, breathe a degree of renovating warmth which I had not expected.
  • 1851, Herman Melville, Moby Dick:
    So, deprived of one leg, and the strange ship of course being altogether unsupplied with the kindly invention, Ahab now found himself abjectly reduced to a clumsy landsman again; hopelessly eyeing the uncertain changeful height he could hardly hope to attain.