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English citations of finnochia

  • 1765, Philip Miller, The Gardeners Kalendar (14th ed.), pages 82,⁽¹⁾ 113,⁽²⁾ 143–144,⁽³⁾ 178,⁽⁴⁾ 179–180,⁽⁵⁾ and 252⁽⁶⁾
    ⁽¹⁾ You muſt now ſow the ſeeds of Finnochia in drills made about a foot aſunder, into which the ſeeds ſhould be thinly ſcattered, and covered over about half an inch thick with light earth.
    ⁽²⁾ You muſt alſo ſow ſome Finnochia ſeed, to ſucceed that which was before ſown; for when it is fit for uſe, it will not continue more than eighteen or twenty days before it will run to ſeed; ſo that there is an abſolute neceſſity of having a ſucceſſion where this herb is required.
    ⁽³⁾ Sow Finnochia in drills, about eighteen inches or two feet aſunder, to ſucceed that which was ſown the laſt month; and draw the earth up to the plants which are almoſt full grown, to blanch them.
    ⁽⁴⁾ In the beginning of the month you may ſow ſome Broccoli ſeed for the ſecond crop, and Finnochia, to ſucceed that which was ſown in the middle of the former month; for in very hot weather this plant will not remain good above a fortnight, before it will run to ſeed; ſo that if it be not often ſown, there will be a want to ſupply the kitchen.
    ⁽⁵⁾ You muſt now thin the Finnochia plants, which were ſown the former month, obſerving to allow them room enough to grow, otherwiſe they will draw up weak, and never ſwell at bottom; but the plants which are taken out ſhould not be tranſplanted, for they rarely are good for any thing, being very ſubject to run to ſeed, before they arrive to any ſize.
    ⁽⁶⁾ Earth up Finnochia, which is full grown, to blanch it, that it may be fit for uſe; and continue to tranſplant Celery into drills, that there may be a ſucceſſion to ſupply the table through the ſeaſon.