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English citations of securocracy

  • 2000 - the end of the Official Secrets Act
    • Britain's securocracy - Whitehall spymasters, backed up by government lawyers, engaged in the increasingly thankless task of preserving state secrets - are faced with an intriguing conundrum. What do they do when the bulwark they have been relying on for so long to protect their secrets crumbles before their eyes?
  • 2011 - orders deserve a calm debate
    • Now we have the ugly spectacle of leading Labour politicians, notably former home secretaries, praying in aid the securocracy, notably MI5, in condemning the government's as yet unannounced plans to get rid of the current system of control orders whereby people considered to be terror suspects are bound by measures described by Nick Clegg in a major speech on civil liberties on Friday as "virtual house arrest".
  • 2013 - closures earn little respect for a US that's lost the benefit of the doubt
    • The US and UK securocracies have not been able to distinguish between the invasion of privacy and a legitimate need to protect the public from terrorist threats. Until they do so, they will sacrifice the "benefit of the doubt" approach, the public's trust, that they will need to depend on in future.