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Siperia opettaa

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Literally Siperia (Siberia) + opettaa (teaches). A reference to the period (1809 to 1917) when Finland was part of Russia. At that time the serious criminals, and towards the end of the period also dissidents, were often sentenced to exile in Siberia.


  • IPA(key): /ˈsiperiɑ ˈopetːɑː/, [ˈs̠ipe̞riɑ̝ ˈo̞pe̞t̪ːɑ̝ː]



Siperia opettaa

  1. One learns the hard way.
    • 2011, Liisa Keltikangas-Järvinen, Temperamentti, stressi ja elämänhallinta [Temperament, stress and life control], WSOY:
      Koko kasvatuskulttuurimme perustuu ajatukselle, että vaikeudet kasvattavat ja Siperia opettaa.
      Our whole educational culture is based on the idea that difficulties grow one's character and one learns the hard way.
  2. experience is the best teacher (lessons learned from experience are the most lasting)
  3. once bitten, twice shy (one is cautious in the future if one has been hurt in the past)
    • 2020, Kalle Isokallio, Suomalainen puolisukeltaja [A Finnish Dabbling Duck], WSOY:
      Siperia opettaa, oli tyttö todennut kavereilleen.
      Once bitten, twice shy, had the girl said to her friends.