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Documentation for Template:R:ga:SnaG. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

This template is used to reference Stair na Gaeilge, Irish language volume on the history of Gaelic languages.

It may take these optional parameters:

  • page,
  • pages,
  • chapter, the chapter number (0–11), based on this parameter the title and author of the chapter will be filled automatically,
  • section, section number in the chapter,
  • text, text to cite.
  • t, translation of the cited text
* {{R:ga:SnaG|chapter=5|page=464}}
* {{R:ga:SnaG|chapter=4|page=434|section=§10.2}}

will be rendered as:

  • Nicholas Williams (1994) “Na Canúintí a Theacht chun Solais”, in K. McCone, D. McManus, C. Ó Háinle, N. Williams, L. Breatnach, editors, Stair na Gaeilge: in ómós do P[h]ádraig Ó Fiannachta (in Irish), Maynooth: Roinn na Sean-Ghaeilge, Coláiste Phádraig, →ISBN, page 464
  • Damian McManus (1994) “An Nua-Ghaeilge Chlasaiceach”, in K. McCone, D. McManus, C. Ó Háinle, N. Williams, L. Breatnach, editors, Stair na Gaeilge: in ómós do P[h]ádraig Ó Fiannachta (in Irish), Maynooth: Roinn na Sean-Ghaeilge, Coláiste Phádraig, →ISBN, §10.2, page 434