Hebrew roots.

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua
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I feel moved to respond, and note that facts are data points, and the scientific method is one framework for attempting to interpret those facts. Scientific work must be published to have any weight in the broader community, and in publishing, it is made available for others to inspect, question, verify, and attempt to reproduce. Any scientific work that cannot be reproduced is thereby discredited. Nothing obscure about it. It might be complex, and it might need a lot of studying and reading to understand, but it's not obscure (i.e. hidden).

‑‑ Eiríkr Útlendi │Tala við mig16:42, 5 April 2018

What you present is absolutely true. My main concern is over false links and atrocities such as the accidental source error huff on the dandruff entry, thereby misleading viewers; and, of course, the older the etymology the more the conjecture normally; that is why I prefer to employ a points system. If the simple guidelines are adhered to with all main etymology edits any confusion on the part of the reader should be obviated. I am not free to pioneer P.I.E. roots on such pages, but leave it to those graduates whom you specified. Andrew talk

Andrew H. Gray06:48, 6 April 2018