Transliteration templates

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Transliteration templates

Hey, I was writing an etymology (perhaps unnecessarily detailed but bear with me) in which I needed to mention such things as stem endings and consonant clusters written in non-Latin scripts.
I used the {m} template initially, but it doesn't make any sense to me to link to pages that shouldn't and won't be made, so I used {lang} instead, but now I have no transliteration. Is there a template that transliterates without linking?

Crom daba (talk)07:56, 27 August 2016

Use {{m}}, but put the term to transliterate into the third positional parameter instead of the second. Examples:

  • {{m|ko|물}} == (mul) -- linked
  • {{m|ko||물}} == (mul) -- no link


‑‑ Eiríkr Útlendi │Tala við mig08:57, 27 August 2016


Crom daba (talk)09:52, 27 August 2016