bad code?

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Hey CodeCat, I'm glad this message got to you in time. You told me yesterday that there was some bad code in the entries I'm illegally bot-adding. Can you tell me what's wrong? WF

Goikls33 (talk)22:58, 11 July 2013

When specifying a comination of gender and number, the two are not specified as separate genders anymore. Instead, you put - in between. So for masculine plural you use m-p and so on. See Module:gender and number.

CodeCat23:00, 11 July 2013

Thanks. I fixed the code. See angordaes for an example in action. - WF

Test steps (talk)08:08, 12 July 2013

I mean andorgaes, naturally. -WF

Test steps (talk)08:09, 12 July 2013