*buþlijaną and *bōþlą

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*buþlijaną and *bōþlą

What exactly was incorrect about my latest edits to those entries? You don't seem to have a problem with the already existing part of "From *buþlą, *bōþlą (house, dwelling, farm)", and *buþlijaną is derived from *buþlą and *-(i)janą, is it not?

As for the *bōþlą entry, it is not the only entry to have a Related words section. See *agaz, it has a related words section that you've apparently deemed allowable.

Lowena (talk)19:26, 18 April 2019

You shouldn't remove request templates until the request has been resolved. Doing is very bad form and is considered an obstruction of the normal working process of Wiktionary.

Rua (mew)19:27, 18 April 2019

Alright, I'll leave it. You didn't have a problem with it till I made edits though, and the etymology without references was added in May 2014. Also, removing the template was a separate edit, so you could've just undid that instead of my correct edits too.

Lowena (talk)19:36, 18 April 2019