User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-j

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jab {n} (quick stab) :: stikk
jab {n} (medical injection) :: stikk
Jabberwock {prop} (fantastical monster) :: Dromeparden, Jabbervakken, Javraljaussir, Jabberokk
jack {n} (device for raising and supporting a heavy object) :: [Bokmål] jekk {m}, donkraft {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] jekk {m}, donkraft {f}
jack {n} (playing card) :: [Bokmål] knekt {m}; [Nynorsk] knekt {m}
jack {n} (surface mounted connector) :: plugg {m}
jack {v} (use a jack) :: jekke
jack {n} (freshwater pike) SEE: pike ::
jackal {n} (wild canine) :: [Bokmål] sjakal {m}; [Nynorsk] sjakal {m}
jackass {n} (male donkey) :: esel {n}
jackbooted {adj} (authoritarian or oppressive) SEE: authoritarian ::
jackdaw {n} (Coloeus monedula) :: [Bokmål] kaie {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] kaie {f}
jacket {n} (piece of clothing worn on the upper body outside a shirt or blouse) :: [Bokmål] jakke {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] jakke {f}
jacket {n} (piece of a person's suit) :: [Bokmål] jakke {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] jakke {f}
jackhammer {n} (portable percussive drill device) :: trykkluftbor
jack of all trades {n} (one competent in many endeavors) :: tusenkunstner, alt-mulig-mann
jackpot {n} (accumulating money prize pool) :: [Bokmål] jackpot {m}, jekkpott {m}; [Nynorsk] jackpot {m}, jekkpott {m}
jackpot {n} (large cash prize) :: [Bokmål] jackpot {m}, jekkpott {m}; [Nynorsk] jackpot {m}, jekkpott {m}
Jackson {n} (cognates of the surname) SEE: Johnson ::
Jacob {prop} (one of the sons of Isaac and Rebecca) :: Jakob
Jacob {prop} (male given name (the standard form)) :: Jakob
Jacobin {n} (breed of domestic pigeon) :: [Bokmål] parykkdue {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] parykkdue {f}
jade {n} (gem) :: jade; [Bokmål] jade; [Nynorsk] jade
jade {n} (colour) :: jadegrønn
jaeger {n} (rifle) SEE: rifle ::
jaeger {n} (seabird) :: jo {c}
Jaffa {prop} (a port in western Israel) :: [Bokmål] Jaffa {f}; [Nynorsk] Jaffa {f}
jaguar {n} (Panthera onca) :: [Bokmål] jaguar {m}; [Nynorsk] jaguar {m}
Jah {prop} (God) SEE: God ::
jail {n} (place for short-term confinement) :: fengsel
jail {v} (imprison) SEE: imprison ::
jailbird {n} (prisoner or ex-prisoner) :: [Bokmål] fengselsfugl {m}; [Nynorsk] fengselsfugl {m}
jail cell {n} (jail cell) SEE: prison cell ::
Jainism {prop} (religion and philosophy) :: [Bokmål] Jainisme; [Nynorsk] Djainismen
Jalalabad {prop} (a city in eastern Afghanistan) :: Jalalabad
jalopy {n} (old, dilapidated car) :: kjerra
jam {n} (sweet mixture of fruit boiled with sugar) :: [Bokmål] syltetøy {n}; [Nynorsk] syltetøy {n}, syltety {n}
jam {n} (blockage, congestion) :: trengsel
jam {n} (difficult situation) :: vanskelighet/ trøbbel/ knipe ´
Jamaica {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: [Bokmål] Jamaica; [Nynorsk] Jamaica
Jamaican {n} (person of Jamaican descent) :: [Bokmål] jamaicaner {m}, jamaikaner {m}; [Nynorsk] jamaican {m}, jamaicanar {m}, jamaikan {m}, jamaikanar {m}
Jamaican {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Jamaica, the Jamaican people or the Jamaican language) :: [Bokmål] jamaicansk, jamaikansk; [Nynorsk] jamaicansk, jamaikansk
James {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Jakob
James {prop} (one of two Apostles) :: Jakob
James {prop} (male given name (the standard form)) :: Jakob
jam jar {n} (car) SEE: car ::
jam jar {n} (container for jam) :: [Bokmål] syltetøyglass {n}; [Nynorsk] syltetøyglas {n}
jammed {adj} (overcrowded; congested) :: proppfull, stappfull
Jane {prop} (feminine form of John) :: Johanne, Johanna
janissary {n} (former Turkish soldier) :: janitsjar {m}
January {prop} (first month of the Gregorian calendar) :: [Bokmål] januar {m}; [Nynorsk] januar {m}
Janus {prop} (Roman god of doorways, gates and transitions) :: Janus
Janus {prop} (moon of Saturn) :: Janus
Japan {prop} (a country in East Asia) :: [Bokmål] Japan; [Nynorsk] Japan
Japanese {adj} (of or relating to Japan) :: [Bokmål] japansk; [Nynorsk] japansk
Japanese {n} (person of Japan) :: [Bokmål] japaner {m}; [Nynorsk] japanar {m}
Japanese {n} (Japanese language) :: [Bokmål] japansk {m}; [Nynorsk] japansk {m}
Japanese beetle {n} (species of beetle) :: [Bokmål] japanbille {m}
Japanology {n} (the study of Japan) :: japanologi {m}
jape {n} (joke or quip) SEE: joke ::
jar {n} (small, approximately cylindrical container) :: krukke
jarl {n} (medieval Scandinavian nobleman, especially in Norway and Denmark) :: [Bokmål] jarl {m}; [Nynorsk] jarl {m}
jasper {n} (precious stone) :: jaspis {m}
Jasper {prop} (male given name; one of the Magi) SEE: Caspar ::
JavaScript {prop} (scripting programming language) :: [Bokmål] JavaScript {m}
Java sparrow {n} (Java sparrow) :: javarisfugl
javelin {n} (spear used in athletic competition) :: [Bokmål] spyd {n}; [Nynorsk] spyd {n}, spjut {n}
javelin throw {n} (athletic event where a javelin is thrown) :: [Bokmål] spydkast {n}; [Nynorsk] spjutkast {n}, spydkast {n}
jaw {n} (bone of the jaw) :: kjeve
jay {n} (bird) :: [Bokmål] nøtteskrike {m} {f} [Eurasian jay]; [Nynorsk] nøtteskrikje {f}, nøtteskrike {f} [Eurasian jay]
jaywalker {n} (one who jaywalks) :: rågjenger
jazz {n} (musical art form) :: [Bokmål] jazz {m}; [Nynorsk] jazz {m}
jealous {adj} (suspecting rivalry in love; fearful of being replaced, in position or in affection) :: sjalu
jealous {adj} (envious; feeling resentful of someone for a perceived advantage, material or otherwise) :: misunnelig
jealous {adj} :: sjalu
jealousy {n} (jealous attitude (e.g. fear of infidelity)) :: [Bokmål] sjalusi {m}
jeans {n} (denim trousers) :: jeans {m}, olabukse {m} {f}
jeerer {n} (A mocker) :: spotter
Jehovah {n} (Jehovah's Witness) SEE: Jehovah's Witness ::
Jehovah's Witness {n} (member of the Jehovah's Witnesses) :: Jehovas vitne {n}
Jehovah's Witnesses {prop} (denomination) :: [Bokmål] Jehovas vitner {n-p}; [Nynorsk] Jehovas vitne {n-p}
jellyfish {n} (aquatic animal) :: manet
jellyroll {n} (cylindrical cake) SEE: Swiss roll ::
Jenny {prop} (female given name) :: Jenny
jeremiad {n} (long speech or prose work) :: jeremiade, klagesang
Jeremiah {prop} (biblical prophet) :: Jeremias {m}
Jeremiah {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Jeremia, Jeremias
Jeremiah {prop} (male given name) :: Jeremias
Jeremy {prop} (Jeremiah) SEE: Jeremiah ::
Jericho {prop} (city) :: [Bokmål] Jeriko; [Nynorsk] Jeriko
jerkoff {n} (wanker) SEE: wanker ::
Jerry {n} (German) SEE: German ::
jerrycan {n} (pressed-steel fuel container) :: [Bokmål] jerrykanne {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] jerrykanne {f}
Jerusalem {prop} (city) :: Jerusalem
Jesse {prop} (biblical father of David) :: Isai
jester {n} (person who amused a medieval court) SEE: court jester ::
Jesuit {n} (member of the Society of Jesus) :: [Bokmål] jesuitt {m}; [Nynorsk] jesuitt {m}
Jesus {prop} (the Christian Messiah) :: Jesus
Jesus Christ {prop} (Jesus of Nazareth) :: Jesus Kristus
jet {n} (jet plane) SEE: jet plane ::
jet-black {adj} (of the blackest black) SEE: pitch-black ::
jet-black {n} (the blackest black) :: [Bokmål] kullsvart
jetboat {n} (boat propelled by a jet of water) :: [Bokmål] jetbåt {m}; [Nynorsk] jetbåt {m}
jet engine {n} (an engine that develops thrust by ejecting a jet, especially a jet of gaseous combustion products) :: [Bokmål] jetmotor {m}; [Nynorsk] jetmotor {m}
jet machine {n} (device that uses a jet of water to clean something) :: høytrykkspyler (water), sandblåsemaskin (sand)
jet plane {n} (an airplane that is powered by a jet engine) :: [Bokmål] jetfly {n}; [Nynorsk] jetfly {n}
jetski {n} (powered watercraft) :: [Bokmål] vannscooter {m}
jetski {v} (to ride on a jetski) :: [Bokmål] kjøre vannscooter
jet stream {n} (air current) :: [Bokmål] jetstrøm {m}; [Nynorsk] jetstraum {m}
jettison {n} (the action of jettisoning items) :: hive {n}
jettison {v} (to eject from a boat) :: [Bokmål] kaste overbord, kaste på sjøen
jettison {v} (to let go or get rid of) :: [Bokmål] kvitte seg med, kaste
jetty {n} (wharf) SEE: wharf ::
jetty {n} (pier) SEE: pier ::
Jew {n} (person of the Jewish faith) :: [Bokmål] jøde {m}, jødinne {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] jøde {m}, jødinne {f}
Jew {n} (member or descendent of the Jewish people) :: [Bokmål] jøde {m}, jødinne {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] jøde {m}, jødinne {f}
jewel {n} (gemstone) :: [Bokmål] juvel {m}; [Nynorsk] juvel {m}
jeweler {n} (a person whose job is making, repairing or selling jewelry) :: [Bokmål] juveler {m}; [Nynorsk] juveler {m}
jeweller {n} (jeweller) SEE: jeweler ::
Jewess {n} (female Jew) :: [Bokmål] jødinne {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] jødinne {f}
Jewish {adj} (Yiddish) SEE: Yiddish ::
Jewish {adj} (of or relating to a Jew or Jews, their ethnicity, religion or culture) :: [Bokmål] jødisk; [Nynorsk] jødisk
Jewish Autonomous Oblast {prop} (Jewish autonomous oblast in Russia) :: [Bokmål] Den jødiske autonome oblasten {?}; [Nynorsk] Den jødiske autonome oblasten {?}
Jew's harp {n} (musical instrument) :: [Bokmål] munnharpe {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] munnharpe {f}
Jezebel {prop} (Biblical character Jezebel) :: Jesabel {f}
Jiantizi {prop} (Simplified Chinese) SEE: Simplified Chinese ::
jib {n} (triangular staysail) :: [Bokmål] fokk {m}
jiffy {n} (very short, unspecified length of time) :: straks, øyeblikk {n}
jigsaw {n} (A saw with fine teeth and a narrow blade) :: [Bokmål] stikksag {m} {f}
jigsaw {n} (jigsaw puzzle) SEE: jigsaw puzzle ::
jigsaw puzzle {n} (type of puzzle) :: [Bokmål] puslespill {n}; [Nynorsk] puslespel {n}
jihad {n} (holy war undertaken by Muslims) :: jihad {m}
jimmy {v} (open with a crowbar) :: brekkjern {n}, kubein {n}
jingoism {n} (chauvinism) SEE: chauvinism ::
jinx {v} (To cast a spell on) :: [Bokmål] forhekse
jinx {v} (To bring bad luck to) :: [Bokmål] forbanne
Joachim {prop} (male given name) :: Joakim
Joan {prop} (female given name) SEE: Jane ::
Joanna {prop} (cognates of the given name) SEE: Jane ::
Joanna {prop} (biblical follower of Jesus) :: Johanna
job {n} (economic role for which a person is paid) :: jobb {n}, arbeid {n}
Job {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Job {m}
Job {prop} (biblical and qur'anic character) :: Job {m}
job interview {n} (interview attended by a job applicant) :: [Bokmål] jobbintervju {n}; [Nynorsk] jobbintervju {n}
jobless {adj} (lacking employment) SEE: unemployed ::
jock {n} (jockstrap) SEE: jockstrap ::
jockey {n} (one who rides racehorses competitively) :: [Bokmål] jockey {m}; [Nynorsk] jockey {m}
jock strap {n} (jockstrap) SEE: jockstrap ::
jockstrap {n} (an athletic supporter) :: skrittbeskytter {m}, [colloquial] susp {m}
Joel {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Joel
Joel {prop} (male given name) :: Joel
jog {v} (to move in an energetic trot) :: [Bokmål] jogge; [Nynorsk] jogge
John {prop} (male given name) :: Johan, Jon
John {prop} (biblical persons) :: Johannes
John {prop} (fourth gospel) :: (Evangeliet etter) Johannes, Joh
John {prop} (one of the epistles of John) :: Johannes, Johannes' første, andre, tredje brev, 1, 2, 3 Joh
John {prop} (name used to address a man whose name is not known) :: N.N.
John Doe {n} (any unknown or anonymous male person) :: Ola Nordmann
John Dory {n} (edible marine fish) :: [Nynorsk] sanktpetersfisk
Johnson {prop} (surname meaning "son of John") :: Johansen
John the Baptist {prop} (biblical prophet) :: [Bokmål] Johannes Døperen; [Nynorsk] Døyparen Johannes
joie de vivre {n} (enjoyment of living, zest for life) :: [Bokmål] livsglede {m} {f}, livslyst {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] livsglede {f}, livslyst {f}
join {v} (to combine more than one item into one; to put together) :: sammenstille
joiner {n} (maker of wooden furniture) :: [Bokmål] møbelsnekker {m}
joint {n} (rigid joint) :: [Bokmål] sammenføyning {m} {f}
joint {n} (part of the body where bones join) :: [Bokmål] ledd {n}
joke {n} (amusing story) :: vits {m}
joke {n} (something said or done for amusement) :: [Bokmål] spøk {m}; [Nynorsk] spøk {m}
joke {n} (worthless thing or person) :: vits {m}
joke {v} (do for amusement) :: tulle, tulle bort, kødde
joker {n} (jester) SEE: fool ::
Jolly Roger {n} (traditional flag used on pirate ships) :: sjørøverflagg {n}, piratflagg {n}
Jonah {prop} (given name) :: Jonas
Jonah {prop} (prophet) :: Jonas
Jonah {prop} (Biblical: a book of the Old Testament) :: Jona, Jonas
Jonah {prop} (tenth sūra of the Qurʾān) :: Jonas
Jonathan {prop} (biblical character) :: Jonatan
Jonathan {prop} (male given name) :: Jonathan
Jordan {prop} (country) :: [Bokmål] Jordan; [Nynorsk] Jordan
Jordan {prop} (river) :: [Bokmål] Jordan; [Nynorsk] Jordan
Jordanian {n} (person) :: [Bokmål] jordaner {m}; [Nynorsk] jordanar {m}
Jordanian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Jordan or the Jordanian people) :: [Bokmål] jordansk; [Nynorsk] jordansk
Joseph {prop} (favorite son of Jacob) :: Josef
Joseph {prop} (husband of Virgin Mary) :: Josef
Joseph {prop} (male given name) :: Josef
Josephine {prop} (feminine form of Joseph) :: Josefine
Joshua {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Josva
Joshua {prop} (male given name) :: Josva
joule {n} (derived unit of energy, work and heat) :: joule
journal {n} (diary or daily record) :: dagbok {m} {f}
journal {n} (newspaper or magazine) :: tidsskrift {n}
journalism {n} (activity or profession of being a journalist) :: journalistikk
journalist {n} (keeper of a personal journal) :: [Bokmål] journalfører {m}, rullefører {m} [military use]; [Nynorsk] journalførar
journalist {n} (one whose occupation or profession is journalism) :: journalist {m}
journalist {n} (reporter) :: journalist {m}, reporter {m}
journalistic {adj} (related to journalism or journalists) :: [Bokmål] journalistisk; [Nynorsk] journalistisk
journey {n} (trip, a voyage) :: reise
journey {v} (to travel, to make a trip or voyage) :: reise
journeyman {n} (tradesman who has served an apprenticeship) :: [Bokmål] svenn {m}
joy {n} (feeling of happiness) :: [Bokmål] fryd {m}, glede {c}; [Nynorsk] fryd {m}, frygd {f}, glede {f}
joystick {n} (mechanical control device) :: [Bokmål] joystick {m}; [Nynorsk] joystick {m}
jubilant {adj} (In a state of elation) :: [adv] jublende
jubilate {v} (To show elation or triumph) :: juble
jubilee {n} (special anniversary) :: jubileum {n}
Judaism {prop} (world religion) :: [Bokmål] jødedom {m}; [Nynorsk] jødedom {m}
Judas {prop} (one of the Apostles) :: [Bokmål] Judas {m}; [Nynorsk] Judas {m}
Judas {prop} (book of the Bible) :: [Bokmål] Judas {m}; [Nynorsk] Judas {m}
judge {n} (public judicial official) :: [Bokmål] dommer {m}; [Nynorsk] dommar {m}
judge {n} (sports official) :: [Bokmål] dommer {m}; [Nynorsk] dommar {m}
judge {n} :: dommer {m}
judge {v} :: dømme, avgjøre
Judges {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Dommerne
judgment {n} (power or faculty of making a judgment) :: [Bokmål] dømmekraft {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] dømmekraft {f}, dømekraft {f}
Judith {prop} (female given name) :: Judith
Judith {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Judit
judo {n} (Japanese martial art) :: judo
juggle {v} (manipulate objects artistically) :: sjonglere
juggle {v} (to handle or manage many tasks at once) :: sjonglere
juggler {n} (person who practices juggling) :: [Bokmål] sjonglør {m}; [Nynorsk] sjonglør {m}
juggling {n} (moving of objects in an artful manner) :: [Bokmål] sjonglering; [Nynorsk] sjonglering
juice {n} (liquid from a plant) :: juice, jus
juice {n} (beverage made of juice) :: juice, jus
juice {n} (liquid resembling juice) :: [Bokmål] saft {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] saft {f}
juice joint {n} (nightclub) SEE: nightclub ::
jujitsu {n} (method of self-defence established in Japan) :: [Bokmål] jiu-jitsu {m}; [Nynorsk] jiu-jitsu {m}
jukebox {n} (a coin-operated machine that plays recorded music) :: [Bokmål] jukeboks {m}; [Nynorsk] jukeboks {m}
Julia {prop} (female given name) :: Julie
Julian {prop} (male given name) :: Julian
Julie {prop} (female given name) SEE: Julia ::
Juliet {prop} (character in Romeo and Juliet) :: Julie {f}
July {prop} (seventh month of the Gregorian calendar) :: [Bokmål] juli {m}; [Nynorsk] juli {m}
jump {v} :: hoppe
jump {v} (cause oneself to leave an elevated location and fall downward) :: hoppe
jump {v} (employ a parachute to leave an aircraft or elevated location) :: hoppe
jump {v} (react to a sudden stimulus by jerking the body violently) :: skvette
jump {v} (employ a move in certain board games in which one piece moves over another) :: hoppe over
jump {v} (move to a position in (a queue/line) that is further forward) :: snike, gå forbi
jump {n} :: hopp {n}, sprang {n}
jump {n} (instance of causing oneself to fall from an elevated location) :: hopp {n}, sprang {n}
jump {n} (instance of employing a parachute to leave an aircraft or elevated location) :: hopp {n}, sprang {n}
jump {n} (instance of reacting to a sudden stimulus by jerking the body) :: skvetting {m}
jump {n} (jumping move in a board game) :: sprang {n}
jump on the bandwagon {v} (to profit from a craze) :: kaste seg på lasset
jump rope {n} (game or activity) :: hoppetau
jump the queue {v} (to move into a queue ahead of others) :: [Bokmål] snike i køen
junction {n} (a place where two things meet) :: [Bokmål] knutepunkt {n}; [Nynorsk] knutepunkt {n}
June {prop} (sixth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: [Bokmål] juni {m}; [Nynorsk] juni {m}
Juneberry {n} (serviceberry) SEE: serviceberry ::
jungle {adj} (large, undeveloped, humid forest) :: jungel {m}
jungle gym {n} (play structure) :: [Bokmål] klatrestativ {n}; [Nynorsk] klatrestativ {n}
juniper {n} (shrub or tree of the genus Juniperus) :: einer {m}
juniper berry {n} (female seed cone of a juniper) :: [Bokmål] einebær {n}, einerbær {n}; [Nynorsk] einebær {n}, einerbær {n}
junk {n} (Chinese sailing vessel) :: [Bokmål] djunke {m}; [Nynorsk] djunke {m}
junk food {n} (food with little or no nutritional value) :: usunnmat; [Bokmål] søppelmat {m}; [Nynorsk] søppelmat {m}
junkie {n} (drug addict) SEE: drug addict ::
junta {n} (ruling council of a military dictatorship) :: junta {m}
Jupiter mass {n} (Unit of mass) :: jupitermasse {m}
juridical act {n} (volitional act intended to bring about legal effects) :: rettshandel {m}
jurisdiction {n} (the power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law) :: [Bokmål] jurisdiksjon {m}
jurist {n} (expert of law) :: jurist {m}
juristic act {n} (volitional act intended to bring about legal effects) :: rettshandel {m}
jury {n} (group in a court of law) :: [Bokmål] jury {m}; [Nynorsk] jury {m}
jury {n} (group of judges in a competition) :: [Bokmål] jury {m}; [Nynorsk] jury {m}
just {adj} (factually fair, correct) :: riktig
just {adj} (morally fair, righteous) :: rettferdig
just {adv} (only, simply, merely) :: [Bokmål] bare, kun; [Nynorsk] berre
just {adv} (recently) :: [Bokmål] nettopp; [Nynorsk] nettopp
just {adv} (exactly, precisely, perfectly) :: [Bokmål] nettopp; [Nynorsk] nettopp
justice {n} (the civil power dealing with law) :: [Bokmål] rettferdighet {m} {f}
justice {n} :: rettferdighet {c}
Justice of the Peace {n} (judicial officer) :: [Bokmål] fredsdommer {m}; [Nynorsk] fredsdommar {m}, fredsdomar {m}
justifiable {adj} (that can be justified) :: [Bokmål] forsvarlig
just now {adv} (very close to the present moment) :: nå nettop, i stad
Jute {n} (member of the Germanic tribe that existed in modern-day Denmark) :: [Bokmål] jyde {m}; [Nynorsk] jyde {m}
Jutland {prop} (peninsula) :: [Bokmål] Jylland {n}; [Nynorsk] Jylland {n}
Jutlandic {adj} (of or pertaining to Jutland) :: [Bokmål] jysk; [Nynorsk] jysk
Jutlandic {prop} (any of the dialects of Danish spoken in Jutland) :: [Bokmål] jysk {m}; [Nynorsk] jysk {m}
juxtapose {v} (to place side by side) :: [Bokmål] sammenligne, sidestille; [Nynorsk] samanlikne/samanlikna
jynx {n} (a charm or spell) SEE: spell ::