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RV attestations[edit]

Van Nooten & Holland Jamison Griffith Geldner
02.023.16 mā́ na stenébhyo yé abhí druhás padé
nirāmíṇo ripávó 'nneṣu jāgṛdhúḥ
ā́devā́nām óhate ví vráyo hṛdí
bṛ́haspate ná paráḥ sā́mano viduḥ
(Give) us not to thieves, the cheats, lurking in the track of deceit, who have become greedy for our supplies
and (who) declare the crushing power of the gods (but set it) aside in their heart. Br̥haspati, they do not know (anything) beyond the sāman-chant (itself).
Give us not up to those who, foes in ambuscade, are greedy for the wealth of him who sits at ease,
Who cherish in their heart abandonment of Gods. Brhaspati, no further rest shall they obtain.
Gib uns nicht den Räubern preis, die, sich an die Spuren der Falschheit hängend, als Betrüger nach den Speisen gierig sind.
Sie behaupten die Schwäche der Götter und leugnen die Schwäche in ihrem eigenen Herzen. O Brihaspati, sie wissen nichts weiter als ihren Saman.

AV attestations[edit]

Gippert Griffith
11.09.19 práblīno mr̥ditáḥ śayāṃ ható 'mítro nyarbude
agnijihvā́ dʰūmaśikʰā́ jáyantīr yantu sénayā
Stifled and crushed, O Nyarbudi, low let the smitten foeman lie.
With tongue of fire and crest of smoke go conquering maidens with our host!