User talk:

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Si mislil tikava*? =P No, na vsakem template page lahko na levi najdeš povezavo "what links here", ki ti bo pokazala glagole ki se spregajo po tem vzorcu. Za -éti-em sta to zaenkrat hotéti in razuméti. Obeh nisem mogel vključiti v noben drug vzorec, zato sem jima naredil posebno predlogo. Drugače pa se nisem mogel spomniti nobenega glagola na -eti-em (torej, ki ne bi bil naglašen na zadnjih enotah), zato sem predlogo -eti-em kar premaknil na -éti-em. Upam da je zdaj bolj jasno. Če pa imaš še kakšne predloge ali kaj podobnega, kar na dan z njimi, tem več je idej, tem bolje lahko uredimo te vzorce.

Hvala za dobrodošlico in lep pozdrav! –bead-v 08:30, 21 April 2012 (UTC)

This is the discussion page for an anonymous user who has not created an account yet or who does not use it. We therefore have to use the numerical IP address to identify them. Such an IP address can be shared by several users. If you are an anonymous user and feel that irrelevant comments have been directed at you, please create an account to avoid future confusion with other anonymous users.

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