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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2025/January 10

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Word of the day
for January 10
unravel v
  1. (transitive)
    1. To cause (something) to no longer be ravelled or tangled; to disentangle, to untangle.
    2. To separate the threads of (something knitted or woven, such as clothing or fabric).
    3. (figurative)
      1. To separate the connected or united parts of (something); to throw (something) into disorder; to confound, to confuse, to disintegrate.
      2. (also reflexive) To clear (something) from complication or difficulty; to investigate and solve (a mystery, a problem, etc.); to unfold, to work out.
      3. (obsolete) To reverse or undo (something); to annul, to negate.
  2. (intransitive)
    1. To become no longer ravelled or tangled.
    2. Of threads: to become separated from something knitted or woven, such as clothing or fabric; also, of something knitted or woven: to separate into threads; to come apart.
    3. (figurative) Of a thing: to have its connected or united parts separated; to be thrown into disorder; to become confused or undone; to collapse.
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