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commentariat (plural commentariats)

  1. (informal) All the pundits and commentators of the news media collectively.
    Synonym: punditariat
    • 2000 January 22, Peter Sagal, “Wait, Wait...Don’t Tell Me!”, in National Public Radio:
      From Boston, a man who finally joined the commentariat by making his debut on CNBC’s Hardball, Esquire Magazine writer-at-large, Charlie Pierce!
    • 2010, Mungo MacCallum, The Monthly, April 2010, Issue 55, The Monthly Ptd Ltd, page 32:
      The world, of course, is seen by the commentariat as a side issue, yet another diversion from his real work, which is to answer whatever questions they see fit to pose.
    • 2024, G. S. Hans, Law Professors Can’t Keep Carrying Water For the Supreme Court, in: Balls and Strikes, August 5 2024
      As the dust settles on the Supreme Court’s cataclysmically destabilizing term, a very persistent question has bubbled up among the law professor commentariat: How the hell are we going to teach all this?

