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From the same stem as raža (harvest), made into a second conjugation verb (ending -ot).[1]


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ražot (transitive, 2nd conjugation, present ražoju, ražo, ražo, past ražoju)

  1. to produce (to make, to create material goods, objects, substances, etc. with one's work)
    ražot preces tirgumto produce goods for the market
    ražot automobiļusto produce automobiles
    ražot kvalitatīvu produkcijuto produce quality products
    ražot lauksaimniecības produktusto produce agricultural products
    hidroelektrostacija ik gadu ražo vairāk nekā 1 miljonu kilovatstundu elektroenerģijasthe hydroelectric plant produces every year more than 1 million kilowatt-hours of electricity
  2. (colloquial, of people) to work
    viņš uzbilda Uldi: “kur tu ražo?” “lauksaimniecības mašīnu fabrikā”he asked Uldis: “where do you produce (= work)?” “in the agricultural machine factory”
  3. (of bodies, organisms, their parts) to produce (to create substances, tissue, organs etc. by means of a physiological process)
    ražot sēklas, ogasto produce seeds, berries
    aizkuņģa dziedzerī ir 2 šūnu veidi: alfa šūnas, kas producē glikogēnu, un beta šūnas, kas ražo insulīnuthe pancreas has two kinds of cells: alpha cells, which produce glycogen, and beta cells, which produce insulin
    čiekurus ražot priedes sāk tikai otrajā mūža gadu desmitāconnifers start producing pine cones only in the second decade of life
    plūmes ir ātraudzīgas, sāk ražot jau otrajā vai trešajā gadā pec stādīšanasplums are fast-growing, they start producing (fruit) already in the second or third year after planting





Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
other derived terms:


  1. ^ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “raža”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca[1] (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN