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female; woman; daughter
really and truly; aim; clear
really and truly; aim; clear; (possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle); of
trad. (女的)
simp. #(女的)






  1. (colloquial) female; woman
    男的抑是女的若是女的許個女的女的女的廁所穿衫 [Philippine Hokkien, trad.]
    男的抑是女的若是女的许个女的女的女的厕所穿衫 [Philippine Hokkien, simp.]
    Lí sǐ lâm--ê á-sǐ lú--ê ba? Nǎ-sǐ lú--ê, hi-gê lú--ê seh lí tio̍h bóe lú--ê ê saⁿ, liáu khì lú--ê ê chhè-só͘ chhēng-saⁿ. [Pe̍h-ōe-jī]
    Are you a boy or a girl? If you are a girl, that lady said you should buy women’s clothes, then go to the female comfort room to change clothes.

Usage notes

  • When referring to an adult female in a neutral sense, 婦女妇女 (fùnǚ) and 女的 (nǚde) are often preferred to the synonym 女人 (nǚrén) which can carry potentially offensive connotations of a female of low social standing or worth (similar to woman and lady in English).





See also
