Category:Hungarian proscribed terms with -ok/-ek/-ök forms of genuine ik verbs

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Genuine -ik verbs (whose third-person singular indefinite present indicative forms, i.e., their lemmas, have this suffix) traditionally take the first-person singular indefinite suffixes -om, -em, -öm, rather than -ok, -ek, -ök like other verbs. Some verbs were originally non-IK verbs, retaining this type of conjugation even after they acquired the third-person singular -ik ending; they are called pseudo-IK-verbs, where the original rule does not apply, only to genuine ik verbs. Breaking this rule is not considered very serious in casual speech, except perhaps in the case of the most basic ik verbs (including eszik, iszik, alszik, játszik, lakik, dolgozik (to eat, drink, sleep, play, live [dwell], work), whose proscribed first-person singular forms are listed below.

Pages in category "Hungarian proscribed terms with -ok/-ek/-ök forms of genuine ik verbs"

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