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English citations of flex

Noun: "(slang) the act of flaunting something; something one considers impressive"

2015 2017 2018 2019 2020
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2015, Riley Jones, "These Might Be the $20K Yeezys on eBay That Kanye Rapped About on 'All Day'", Complex, 23 April 2015:
    Notorious eBay reseller New York Company has an impressive cache of 'Red October' Yeezys listed, with a full size run ranging from 6 through 15. That alone is a crazy flex, but it's his asking price of $20,000 that's insane—insane enough for Kanye to take notice.
  • 2017, "Mogul Bites", Black American Moguls, Fall 2017, page 6:
    Getting together with other power players at Masa is the ultimate flex of conspicuous consumption. [] A party of five or more requires a deposit of $200 per person at least one week prior to the reservation.
  • 2017, Michael Speights, quoted in Gabrielle Hutson, "Fashion: Michael Speights", Eye of the Tiger (Roseville High School), 18 December 2017, page 10:
    I don't really shop at big stores but I like the thrift stores, [] You can always find a flex for less.
  • 2017, Ryan Kohn, "The Ultimate Flex", Sarasota Observer, 21 December 2017, page 16:
    When I happened to hear those songs on a recent assignment covering Venice for a sister paper, I called them "the ultimate flex," or brag, on Twitter.
  • 2018, Paris Duncan, "Love me now: A review of Tory Lanez's new album", The Southern Digest (Southern University and A&M College), 6 November 2018, page 10:
    Based on his lyrics, he feels that the girl is worth spending a check on and feels that the two of them together would be the ultimate "flex".
  • 2019, Muna Mohamed, "My House Of Black Women", Tufts Observer (Tufts University), Spring 2019, page 29:
    We took over Wren 530s our sophomore year, finessed two Hillsides 470s and 380s suites our junior year, and made the ultimate flex with a whole new home our senior year: CoHo, or as we call it, Coheaux.
  • 2019, Seth Sommerfeld, "Worldwide Web", Inlander, 4 July 2019 - 10 July 2019, page 37:
    It's an achievement to stand out from other Marvel movies in terms of special effects, but this whole movie feels like a flex for those computer wizards.
  • 2019, Lindsay Farrow, "'Stop ordering food best served on a plastic Mickey Mouse plate'", The Standard (Missouri State University), 24 September 2019, page 3:
    Current status: heating up fried macaroni and cheese bites and contemplating life, wbu? But seriously, as I sat down to type this I had a goal of bashing picky eaters. Odd flex, I know, but really.
  • 2019, Ed Power, "The Crown review, series 3: Olivia Colman dazzles, but the jewel in Netflix’s tiara has lost its shine", The Independent, 17 November 2019:
    “This is Wales not England – a display of emotion would not just be considered appropriate... it’s expected,” she is told by an adviser. What a strange flex for Morgan to tap the 19th-century trope contrasting emotive and ungovernable Celts with the level-headed English – a caricature that will now be beamed around the world once again courtesy of Netflix.
  • 2020, Daniel Varghese, "Aesop's Hand Sanitizer Is a Flex for an Anxious Time", GQ, 6 March 2020