User:Visviva/Erkenntnis 200811

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← Previous (2008-09) Words harvested from Erkenntnis, 2008-11
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This is a list of lowercase non-hyphenated single words, lacking English entries in the English Wiktionary as of the most recent database dump, found in the 2008-11 issue of Erkenntnis.

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56473 tokens ‧ 46537 valid lowercase tokens ‧ 4141 types ‧ 116 (~ 2.801%) words before cleaning ‧ 


  1. abelianness
  2. agenthood
  3. antirealist
  4. autoepistemic
  5. autonymously
  6. bathetically
  7. categoricals
  8. cladism
  9. classicality
  10. cognizer
  11. coherentist
  12. commutant
  13. connectives
  14. contentful
  15. contextualism
  16. conventionalism
  17. counterfactually
  18. decompositional
  19. deductivist
  20. defensibility
  21. detectability
  22. disanalogy
  23. disjointness
  24. disquotation
  25. disquotational
  26. eigenbasis
  27. evidentially
  28. evolute
  29. explanationist
  30. explanatorily
  31. externalist
  32. foundationalist
  33. guaranties
  34. hypercompute
  35. indubitability
  36. inequivalence
  37. inequivalent
  38. inferentially
  39. internalism
  40. internalist
  41. interpretability
  42. interpretational
  43. intersubjectively
  44. intertranslatability
  45. intertranslatable
  46. intertranslateable
  47. intertranslation
  48. irresolubly
  49. justifiers
  50. kinematical
  51. metalinguistic
  52. noncompositional
  53. nonconceptual
  54. nonconceptualism
  55. nonconceptualist
  56. nonconceptualists
  57. nondoxastic
  58. nonlocality
  59. nonoconceptual
  60. nonpropositional
  61. nonseparable
  62. notationally
  63. observability
  64. observationally
  65. paraparticles
  66. precisification
  67. prescientifically
  68. psychologism
  69. rationalisms
  70. reducibly
  71. reliabilism
  72. reliabilist
  73. retrodictions
  74. semantical
  75. specifiable
  76. standardly
  77. subalgebras
  78. subdoxastic
  79. subrepresentation
  80. superpositions
  81. superselected
  82. superselection
  83. supersymmetries
  84. supervaluations
  85. supervenience
  86. supervenient
  87. symplectically
  88. synchronically
  89. translatability
  90. uncomputable
  91. underdescribed
  92. underdetermination
  93. underdetermine
  94. undividedly
  95. unitaries
  96. unitarily
  97. univalence
  98. unrecounted
  99. unsolvability
  100. veridically
  101. warrantedness
  102. worldlines

