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စွံ (cwaṃʼ)

  1. part.
    ပရံကဵုဍေံတံညးမွဲ မွဲစွံညိ။
    paraṃ keu ḍeṃ taṃ ñaḥ mwoa mwoa cwaṃ ñi.
    Please give them one piece each.
    pāk thoṃ ṗā cwaṃ ñi.
    Please cut it in two.



စွံ (cwaṃʼ)

  1. to place put {down} leave refrain from removing to keep maintain to abandon to adopt {attitude}.
  2. take off remove conduct away.
    ʼarew mnaḥ cwaṃ law klā.
    Leave off talking for now.
    ʼiṇaṃ cwaṃ thoṃ pḍoa dnāy ṗiuhṗiuh.
    Put this in a cool place.
    kon mnaḥ cwaṃ law keu ʼoa ʼaṇaṃ.
    Leave your boy here with me.
    ကၠောန်ကမၠောန်မွဲမွဲမ္ဂး စွံစေတနာခိုဟ်ခိုဟ်တုဲ ကၠောန်ညိ။
    klon kamlon mwoamwoa mgaḥ cwaṃ cetanā khiuhkhiuh tuy klon ñi.
    When you undertake any work make up your mind to do it well and then do it.
    chgaḥ biuṃ leu ʼoa gwaṃ cwaṃ ḍeṃ taṃ ro.
    But how am I going to find room for them?
    chow laṃ mnaḥ cwaṃ bhā keu kon mnaḥ ro.
    When are you going to send your son to school?
    ပုၚ်ဂှ်စွံလဝ် ဇွောံအဲညိကီု လ္ပစဖ္အိုတ်ထောံ။
    puṅ gh cwaṃ law jwoṃ ʼoa ñi kiuṃ lpaca phʼiut thoṃ.
    Leave a little rice for me do not eat it all.
    ပ္ဍဲကွာန်ဏံ ဍေံတံဟွံစွံကွဳပုဟ်ဟာ။
    pḍoa kwān ṇaṃ ḍeṃ taṃ hwaṃ cwaṃ kwī puh hā.
    Do people not have carts in this village?
    lpa cwaṃ māna ltū ñaḥ gamliuṅ.
    Do not think yourself better than others.
    lpa cwaṃ law ḍeṃ pḍoa sṅi ñaḥ mwoa dhaw.
    Do not leave him in the house by himself.
    ၝဏံစွံလဝ်သာ်ဏံဟွံဂွံ ဒးမံၚ်ဘာဏောၚ်။
    ḅaṇaṃ cwaṃ law sāk ṇaṃ hwaṃ gwaṃ daḥ maṃṅ bhā ṇoṅ.
    I cannot keep this rascal here like this he will have to go to school.