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Kanji in this term
だつ > だっ
Grade: S
ほう > ぽう
Grade: 4
Alternative spelling
脫法 (kyūjitai)





(だっ)(ぽう) (dappō

  1. evasion of the law; behavior contrary to the spirit of the law which does not violate the letter of the law
    dappō hābu
    synthetic marijuana; quasi-legal drug
    • 2020 May 19, Ōji Tomoko, “‘Dappō seiken’ to minshū no ikari [A ‘law-evading administration’ and the people’s anger]”, in Mainichi Shimbun[1]:
      Sono riyū ni tsuite yotō wa dai ni ji-hosei yosan'an nado kongo no shingi ni akueikyō o ataeru kenen o agete-iru ga, minshū no ikari ga “dappō seiken” no bōsō o kui tometa to miru beki darō.
      The reason given by the ruling party is to avoid negative effect on upcoming deliberation of the second supplementary budget, but the people’s anger is what holds back the rash actions of a ‘law-evading government’.



(だっ)(ぽう)する (dappō surusuru (stem (だっ)(ぽう) (dappō shi), past (だっ)(ぽう)した (dappō shita))

  1. to circumvent the law; to evade the spirit of the law
    • 1996, Otani Kiyoshi, “Han” tokushu shugi no keizaigaku [The economic doctrine of “han-” (anti-)]:
      Tsumari, kyōdō kōnyū hōshiki o toru koto ni yote, Seiyū, Daie nado wa daitenhō o dappō suru koto ga dekiru.
      In other words, by using a cooperative purchasing system Seiyu, Daiei, et alia are able to evade the Large-scale Retail Stores Law.

