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English citations of naycation

Noun: "a vacation period during which no travel or paid leisure activities are done"

2008 2009 2010
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2008 — Lohr McKinstry, "'Naycations' may tank tourism next year", Press-Republican, 14 December 2008:
    Lake Placid/Essex County Visitors Bureau President James McKenna is hoping "naycation" is not a word tourism officials will have to learn next year.
  • 2008 — Christopher Elliott, "2009 could be year of no vacations", The Seattle Times, 30 December 2008:
    If 2008 was the year of the staycation, then '09 is bound to be the year of the naycation.
  • 2009 — "Say no to travel austerity", The Idaho Statesman, 31 January 2009:
    Ignore the killjoys calling for 'naycations' and head off to help Alaska and Hawaii celebrate, enjoy cruise ship bargains or take your newly valuable dollar to Europe.
  • 2009 — Andy Riga, "Be a thrifty traveller", The Windsor Star, 2 May 2009:
    You may have heard of "staycations" (vacations close to home) and "naycations" (not vacationing at all).
  • 2009 — "The best new gear for a summer road trip", USA Today, 17 July 2009:
    Naycation? No way. With gas prices dropping, it's time to plot a summer road trip.
  • 2009 — Bruce Parkinson, "Introducting the 'Yaycation'", Macleans, 7 August 2009:
    The economic downturn has wrought travel trends such as the close-to-home ‘staycation’, and the not-going-anywhere 'naycation.'
  • 2009 — Sue Doyle, "Looks like another year of Staycations for many", Daily News, 4 December 2009:
    "If last year you went on staycation, you stayed home with a good attitude," Thompson said. "With a naycation, you stay home and grumble."
  • 2010 — Chris Elliot, "6 tips for taking a summer 'daycation'", Orlando Sentinel, 20 July 2010:
    Somewhere between the staycations of 2008 and the naycations of last year there's the daycation trend of 2010.
  • 2010 — Mike Slizewski, "How you spent your summer 'cation", Siskiyou Daily News, 20 August 2010:
    Don't have much time off? Why don't you try a daycation? Don't deny yourself, even if time is short, though. There's nothing worse than a naycation.