Wiktionary:Word of the day/Archive/2024/September

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Word of the day
for September 1
extinct adj
  1. (dated) Of fire, etc.: no longer alight; of a light, etc.: no longer shining; extinguished, quenched.
  2. (figurative)
    1. Of feelings, a person's spirit, a state of affairs, etc.: put out, as if like a fire; quenched, suppressed.
    2. Of customs, ideas, laws and legal rights, offices, organizations, etc.: no longer existing or in use; defunct, discontinued, obsolete; specifically, of a title of nobility: no longer having any person qualified to hold it.
    3. (chiefly biology) Of an animal or plant species, a class of people, a family, etc.: having died out completely; no longer in existence.
    4. (geology) Of a geological feature: no longer active; specifically, of a volcano: no longer erupting.
    5. (obsolete) Of a person: dead; also, permanently separated from others. [...]

Martha, thought to be the last passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius), died on this day 110 years ago in 1914 at the Cincinnati Zoo in Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. The eradication of this species, chiefly through habitat destruction and hunting, is a striking example of extinction caused by humans.

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Word of the day
for September 13
twit v
  1. (transitive)
    1. To blame or reproach (someone), especially in a good-natured or teasing manner; also, to ridicule or tease (someone).
    2. (archaic) To criticize or disapprove of (something), especially in a good-natured or teasing manner.
    3. (computing) To ignore or kill file (a user on a bulletin board system).
    4. (obsolete) Followed by it: to speak or write (something) in a taunting or teasing manner.
  2. (intransitive)
    1. To blame or reproach, especially in a good-natured or teasing manner.
    2. (obsolete except British, dialectal) To be indiscreet; to gossip.

twit n

  1. A jibe, reproach, or taunt, especially one made in a good-natured or teasing manner.
  2. (informal) An annoying or foolish person.
  3. (British, dialectal, archaic) A person who chatters or gossips inanely; a chatterer, a gossip or gossiper; also, a person who divulges private information about others or is indiscreet; a tattletale. [...]

The British author Roald Dahl, who wrote the children’s novel The Twits (1980), was born on this day in 1916.

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Word of the day
for September 21
repose n
  1. (uncountable) Temporary cessation from activity to rest and recover, especially in the form of sleep; rest; (countable) an instance of this; a break, a rest; a sleep.
    1. (by extension, Christianity)
      1. (uncountable) Of the Virgin Mary: death; also assumption into heaven.
      2. (countable, Eastern Orthodoxy) The festival honouring the assumption of the Virgin Mary into heaven, celebrated on August 15.
  2. (uncountable) The state of being peacefully inactive or relaxed, or being free from disturbances or worries; calmness, ease, peace, quietness.
  3. (uncountable) Calmness of the mind or temperament; composure.
  4. (uncountable) Of the face, a muscle, etc.: the state of being relaxed and not in tension.
  5. (uncountable) The state of lying still and unmoving; calmness, tranquillity; (countable) an instance of this.
  6. (uncountable, archaic) Relief or respite from something exhausting or unpleasant; (countable) an instance of this.
  7. (uncountable, archaic) Confidence, faith, or trust in something.
  8. (uncountable, architecture, art) The arrangement of elements of an artwork, a building, etc., that is restful and soothing to a viewer; harmony.
  9. (uncountable, chiefly chemistry) The state of leaving something alone or untouched; (countable) an instance of this.
  10. (uncountable, engineering, physics) Chiefly in the form point of repose, position of repose, etc.: absence of motion; equilibrium; (countable) a position where an object is not moving and at rest.
  11. (uncountable, chiefly geology) Of a natural phenomenon, especially the eruption of a volcano: the state of temporary cessation of activity; dormancy, quiescence.
  12. (obsolete)
    1. (countable) A piece of furniture on which one can rest, especially a couch or sofa.
    2. (countable) A place of rest.
    3. (painting, uncountable) The technique of including in a painting an area or areas which are dark, indistinct, or soft in tone so that other areas are more prominent, or so that a viewer can rest they eyes when looking at them; (countable) such an area of a painting. [...]

Today is designated by the United Nations as the International Day of Peace, which is dedicated to world peace.

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Word of the day
for September 23
Nintendocore n
  1. (music, video games) An aggressive genre of modern rock music influenced by chiptunes (music that samples or emulates the audio capabilities of older sound chips) and video game music.

The Japanese multinational video game company Nintendo was founded on this day 135 years ago in 1889.

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