di fortuna

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Literally, of fortune.



di fortuna

  1. makeshift
    Synonyms: improvvisato, provvisorio
    • 2020, Barack Obama, chapter 14, in Chicca Galli, Paolo Lucca, Giuseppe Maugeri, transl., Una terra promessa [A Promised Land], Garzanti Libri:
      In assenza di un'economia funzionante, bande di giovani senza lavoro equipaggiati con motoscafi, fucili d'assalto e scalette di fortuna avevano iniziato ad abbordare le navi mercantili che solcavano le trafficate rotte commerciali tra l'Asia e l'Occidente attraverso il canale di Suez...
      Without the benefit of a functioning economy, gangs of jobless young men equipped with motorized skiffs, AK-47s, and makeshift ladders had taken to boarding commercial vessels travelling/traveling the busy shipping route connecting Asia to the West via the Suez Canal...
      (literally, “In the absence of a functioning economy, bands of young people without work equipped with speedboats, assault rifles, and makeshift ladders had begun to board the merchant ships that plied the busy trade routes between Asia and the West via the Suez Canal...”)
  2. (nautical, relational) jury
  3. (relational) emergency
    Synonym: d'urgenza
    atterraggio di fortunaemergency landing