in sospeso

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Literally, in suspense. Compare French en suspens.

Prepositional phrase


in sospeso

  1. without a clear definition; unsettled, pending
    questione in sospesounfinished business
    • 2020 November 3, Massimo Basile, “Elezioni Usa, i sondaggisti temono il ribaltone [US election, pollsters fear a sudden reversal]”, in la Repubblica[1]:
      Così il dato, invece di fare chiarezza, finisce per lasciare tutto in sospeso.
      Thus the data, instead of clarifying, ends up leaving everything unsettled.
  2. unpaid, outstanding
  3. in suspense; anxious
    Synonyms: trepidante, ansioso, col fiato sospeso
    la trama ti tiene in sospeso
    the plot keeps you in suspense