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feeling; emotion; passion
feeling; emotion; passion; situation
(be) not; wrong; blame
(be) not; wrong; blame; Africa
get; obtain; gain
get; obtain; gain; proper; suitable; proud; contented; allow; permit; ready; finished; a sentence particle used after a verb to show effect; degree or possibility; to have to; must; ought to; to need to
already; to stop; then
already; to stop; then; afterwards
trad. (情非得已)
simp. #(情非得已)



From Flowers in the Mirror [circa 19th century].

適才躲避自知情非得已諸位姐姐發笑 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
适才躲避自知情非得已诸位姐姐发笑 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: Jing Hua Yuan
Shìcái duǒbì zhuō xià, zìzhī shī yí lù chǒu, shí xì qíngfēidéyǐ, zhūwèi jiějiě mò yào fāxiào. [Pinyin]
(please add an English translation of this usage example)






  1. to have circumstances beyond one's control