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See also: 办理


to do; to manage; to handle
to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
to manage; to heed; to put in order
to manage; to heed; to put in order; reason; logic; science; inner principle or structure
trad. (辦理)
simp. (办理)






  1. to deal with (a matter); to handle; to transact; to conduct; to process
    辦理登機手續办理登机手续  ―  bànlǐ dēngjī shǒuxù  ―  to check-in (at the airport)
    辦理喪事办理丧事  ―  bànlǐ sāngshì  ―  to handle funeral arrangements
    刻正辦理採購作業 [MSC, trad.]
    刻正办理采购作业 [MSC, simp.]
    Běn bù kèzhèng bànlǐ cǎigòu zuòyè. [Pinyin]
    Our ministry is handling the procurement operation.
    起飛40分鐘停止辦理乘機手續 [MSC, trad.]
    起飞40分钟停止办理乘机手续 [MSC, simp.]
    Qǐfēi qián sìshí fēnzhōng tíngzhǐ bànlǐ chéngjī shǒuxù. [Pinyin]
    Check-in closes 40 minutes before departure.
  2. to undertake; to accept a contract; to host


  • (to deal with):
  • (to undertake):

Derived terms
