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all these entries have very confused etymologies, like dumque, ad hunc, dunc, tunc or whatever, its confusing. that's why im trying to make some sense of it.

edit: see dunc for page and Talk:dunc for discussion.


  • ad hunc influenced by adverb umquam. if in a sentence in Italian I replace dunque with a questo (direct translation of ad hunc) it sounds like a plausible synonym for all of its meanings (interjection "so", causal "thus", temporal "then"), cf. perciò.
  • dumquam < dum 'while' ~ unquam (no *a-, and semantically far)
  • dunc < dum ~ tunc 'then' (presuming the -qua is still from unquam) (no *a-, though semantically reasonable)
  • ad tunc (would be *-tt- instead of *-d-, and it seems meanigless to put ad before an adverb)


  • IPA(key): /(a)ˈdʊn.kwa/
  • initial */a-/ falls in most spoken varieties eventually, found more often in literacy. it is possible that the /a-/ wasn't present in the original form and was added later, cf. Neapolitan ajere < Latin hier ("yesterday"), Romanesco arègge < Italian reggere.
  • some Western Romance varieties gain word ending */-s/
  • Tuscan (as well as Ligurian and Sicilian which could be borrowed?) shift word ending */-a/ to */-e/, possibly also because of the above-mentioned */-s/ (/-e/ < */-aj/ < /-as/, a shift common to all Italo-Dalmatian languages, e.g. barche < barcas).


  1. then
  2. thus
  3. so


  • Italo-Dalmatian
    • Tuscan dunque, common modern usage in Standard Italian. the shift /-e/ < */-a/ can also be found in other averbs like unque (< unqua) or oltre (< oltra). common variation include
      • predictable alternative forms, like the lack of Tuscan anaphonesis (leading to /ˈo/ instead of /ˈu/), and e-labialization of /kʷ/ to /k/, usally absent but found in terms of common usage (cfr. che, chi)
      • initial /a-/, now fell in disuse but still a common realization of the word in early works
      • when the /a-/ is present, the /d/ is sporadically found geminated /dd/ (though the single version /d/ is more common) which is presumably a result of ad attached to the already apocoped version, or the original older version of the word before it lost the gemination (highly unlikely, I couldn't find any example of this occurring elsewhere)
      • word ending /-a/, respecting the reconstruction, without the shift to /-e/
    • Neapolitan adonca with initial a-
    • Sicilian dunca
      • addunca, see point of geminated /dd/ on Tuscan cognate
      • dunchi, with the -i (< -e) probably borrowed from Tuscan
      • annunca, related
    • Dalmatian duanc, /-wa-/ < */-o-/ in closed sillables (cf. bualp)
  • Gallo-Italic
  • Rhaeto-Romance
  • Franco-Provençal
  • Occitano-Romance
    • Catalan donc, doncs with an attached un-etymological -s, common of Western Romance (donchs is an older orthography using ⟨ch⟩ for final /k/)
    • Occitan donc, doncas with the Western -s preserves the a.
  • Old Spanish doncas
  • Oïl
  • Sardinian dunca, proving that /o/ < ŭ