User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-x

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-x {suffix} [nonstandard, neologism] :: A gender-neutral, not pronounced suffix that replaces -o and -a in nouns, adjectives and pronouns. Commonly used to attain a politically correct goal
x {letter} /ˈʃiʃ/ :: letter
X {letter} /ˈʃiʃ/ :: letter
X9 {mf} [Brazil, slang] /ʃisˈnɔvi/ :: snitch, informer, grass
{m} /ˈʃa/ :: shah (title of Persian kings)
x-acto {f} :: superseded spelling of x-ato
xador {m} :: chador (a loose robe worn by Muslim women)
xadrez {m} /ʃɐ.ˈðɾeʃ/ :: chess
xadrez {m} :: checkered pattern
xadrez {adj} :: checkered
xadrezista {mf} :: chess player (person who plays chess)
xágara {f} :: alternative form of jágara
xaile {m} /ˈʃaj.lɨ/ :: shawl; headscarf (cloth worn over the shoulders or head)
xairel {m} :: saddlecloth (blanket placed under a saddle)
xale {m} :: alternative form of xaile
xamã {mf} [animism] /ʃɐ.ˈmɐ̃/ :: shaman (a medium between the concrete and spirit worlds)
xamanismo {m} :: shamanism (any of several traditional beliefs involving altered states of consciousness)
xampu {m} [Brazil] /ʃɐ̃ˈpu/ :: shampoo
xana {f} [slang] /ˈʃɐ.na/ :: pussy (female genitalia)
Xangai {prop} {f} /ʃɐ̃.ˈɡaj/ :: Xangai (direct-administered municipality/major port city)
Xangô {prop} {m} :: Shango (orisha in Yoruba religion)
Xangri-lá {prop} :: Xangri-lá (municipality)
xantina {f} [chemistry] :: xanthine (any group of alkaloids, including caffeine)
Xanxerê {prop} :: Xanxerê (municipality)
xará {mf} [Brazil] :: namesake (person with the same name as another)
xará {mf} [Brazil, slang] :: bro; pal; mate (informal term of address)
xareta {f} :: a type of fishing net
xaréu {m} :: pompano (any of various fishes of the genus Trachinotus)
xaréu {m} :: jack (any of various fishes of the genus Caranx)
xaria {f} [Islam] :: shari'a (Islamic religious law)
xarife {m} [historical] :: shereef (a member of an Arab princely family)
xaroco {m} :: alternative form of siroco
xarope {m} :: syrup
xastre {m} [Beira, Trás-os-Montes] /ˈʃaɕt̪ɾɯ/ :: tailor (person who makes, repairs or alters clothing)
x-ato {f} :: utility knife
xauarma {f} :: shawarma (Middle Eastern sandwich-like wrap)
xauim {m} :: alternative form of sagui
xavante {mf} :: a member of the Xavánte people
xavante {m} :: Xavánte (Ge language spoken by the Xavánte people)
xavante {adj} :: relating to the Xavánte peple
Xavantina {prop} :: Xavantina (municipality)
xavasca {f} [slang] /ʃa.ˈvas.ka/ :: pussy (female genitalia)
xavecar {v} [Brazil, slang] /ʃˈka(ɾ)/ :: to flirt with, to try to seduce someone by flattening
xavecar {v} [Brazil, slang] :: to cheat, to act in an unfair way
xaveco {m} [historical] /ʃa.ˈvɛ.ku/ :: xebec (Arabic transport ship)
xaveco {m} :: a small, old and poorly built boat that is likely to sink
xaveco {m} [Brazil, slang] :: flirting (talk in which one intends to seduce a person)
xaveco {m} [Brazil] :: knavery, trickery
xaveco {m} [Brazil] :: trifle (something or someone without much importance)
xaveco {m} [Brazil, derogatory] :: hag (old and ugly woman)
Xavier {prop} {m} /ʃɐˈvjɛɾ/ :: given name
Xaxim {prop} :: Xaxim (municipality)
X burguer {m} :: cheeseburger (hamburger with cheese)
xeca {f} [slang] :: female genitals; vagina
xeique {m} :: a sheik
xelim {m} /ʃɨ.ˈlĩ/ :: shilling (former coin, currency)
Xenófanes {prop} {m} :: Xenophanes (ancient Greek philosopher and a poet)
xenofobia {f} :: xenophobia (fear or hatred of foreigners)
xenofóbico {adj} :: xenophobic (exhibiting or characteristic of xenophobia)
xenofobismo {m} :: synonym of xenofobia
xenófobo {adj} :: xenophobic (exhibiting or characteristic of xenophobia)
xenófobo {m} :: xenophobe (person who hates foreigners)
xenólito {m} [geology] :: xenolith
xénon {m} :: xenon
xênon {m} :: alternative form of xénon
xenónio {m} [European orthography] :: xenon (a noble gas with an atomic number of 54)
xenônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of xenónio
xenótimo {m} [mineral] :: xenotime
xenotransplante {m} :: xenotransplantation (transplantation into a different species)
xeque {m} [chess] /ˈʃɛ.kɨ/ :: check, in the meaning of a position in which an opposing piece is attacking a king
xeque {m} :: a sheik
xeque-mate {m} [chess] /ˌʃɛ.ki.ˈma.t͡ʃi/ :: checkmate (conclusive victory in a game of chess)
xeque-mate {m} [figurative] :: checkmate (situation with no obvious escape)
xeque-mate {interj} [chess] :: checkmate (said when making the conclusive move in chess)
xequeré {m} :: alternative form of xequerê
xequerê {m} :: sekere (musical instrument similar to a rattle)
Xerazade {prop} {f} :: given name
xereca {f} [slang] /ʃe.ˈɾɛ.ka/ :: the vulva
xereta {mf} :: nosey person
xeretar {v} [Brazil] :: to pry (to look where one is not welcome; to be nosey)
xerez {m} [uncountable] :: sherry (type of fortified wine)
xerife {m} :: sheriff
xerocar {v} /ʃe.ɾoˈka(ʁ)/ :: to photocopy; to xerox (to make photocopies)
xerófilo {adj} [biology, botany] /ʃe.ˈɾɔ / :: xerophilic
xeroftalmia {f} [ophthalmology] :: xerophthalmia (condition where the conjunctiva and cornea become dry)
xerografia {f} :: xerography
xerox {m} /ˈʃe.ɾɔk(i)s/ :: photocopy; xerox (copy of a document made using a photocopier)
xerox {m} :: photocopier; copier (machine which makes copies of paper documents)
xerox {m} :: a shop where photocopying and related services are offered
xérox {m} :: alternative form of xerox
Xerxes {prop} {m} :: Xerxes (name of various Persian emperors)
x-ésimo {adj} :: whatth (on a variable or unknown ordinal position)
xevá {m} [rare] :: alternative form of schwa
xhosa {m} :: Xhosa (member of a Bantu people from South Africa)
xhosa {m} [uncountable] :: Xhosa (a Bantu language spoken by the Xhosa)
xi {interj} :: indicates that something has failed
xi {interj} :: indicates that someone is in trouble
xi {m} :: alternative spelling of csi
Xiamen {prop} {f} :: Xiamen (prefecture-level city/and/sub-provincial city)
Xibalba {prop} {f} :: Xibalba (the underworld in Mayan mythology)
xibio {m} :: alternative form of xibiu
xibiu {m} [vulgar, slang, Northeast Brazil] :: pussy (the female genitalia)
xícara {f} /ˈʃi.kɐ.ɾɐ/ :: a cup or mug (vessel with a handle for hot beverages)
xícara {f} :: cupful (the amount of liquid that fits a cup)
xii {interj} :: alternative form of xi
xiii {interj} :: alternative form of xi
xiismo {m} [Islam] /ʃi.ˈ :: Shi'a; Shi'ism; Shia Islam (a branch of Islam)
xiita {adj} [Islam] /ʃi.ˈi.ta/ :: Shiite (of, or relating to Shiites or the Shi'a branch of Islam)
xiita {adj} [slang] :: extremist (taking an extreme view on something)
xiita {mf} [Islam] :: Shiite (a member of the Shi'a branch of Islam)
xiita {mf} [slang] :: extremist (someone who has an extreme view on something)
xilema {m} [botany] :: xylem (vascular tissue in land plants)
xileno {m} [chemistry] :: xylene (di-methyl-benzene)
xilindró {m} [Brazil, slang] /ˌʃi.lĩ.ˈdɾɔ/ :: gaol (place for the confinement of people)
xilitol {m} [organic compound] :: xylitol (a pentahydric alcohol derived from xylose)
xilo- {prefix} /ˌʃi.lo/ :: xylo- (relating to wood)
xilofone {m} [musical instrument] :: xylophone (instrument consisting of wooden bars struck by mallets)
xilografia {f} [uncountable] :: xylography (art of making engravings in wood)
xilografia {f} :: xylograph (engraving in wood)
xilose {f} [organic compound] :: xylose (a sugar derived from wood)
xingamento {m} [Brazil, colloquial] /ˌʃĩɡɐˈmẽtu/ :: insult (speech intended to be rude)
xingar {vt} [Brazil, Angola, colloquial] /ʃĩˈɡa(ɾ)/ :: to insult; to swear at
xingar {vi} [Brazil, colloquial] :: to curse (to use vulgar words to expressing anger, frustration)
Xingu {prop} {m} :: Xingu (river)
Xinjiang {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Sinkiang
xintoísmo {m} :: Shinto (an animistic religion originating in Japan)
xintoísta {adj} :: Shinto (pertaining or related to Shintoism)
Xique-Xique {prop} :: Xique-Xique (municipality)
Xiraz {prop} {f} :: Xiraz (city)
xiri {m} [vulgar, slang, Northeast Brazil] :: pussy (the female genitalia)
xis {m} /ˈʃiʃ/ :: ex (name of the Latin letter X, x)
xis {interj} [photography] :: cheese (said while being photographed)
xis {m} [colloquial] :: burger (large sandwich with a patty)
xis {m} [figuratively] :: main (the main part of something)
xisto {m} [rock] :: schist; shale (a sedimentary rock)
xituculumucumba {m} [Mozambique] /ʃˈkũ.bɐ/ :: A kind of evil spirit or bogeyman that appears in nightmares
xiu {interj} :: Requesting silence; shh
Xiva {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Shiva
xixa {m} :: hookah; narghile (Oriental tobacco pipe wherein the smoke is drawn through water)
xixi {m} [colloquial or childish] /ʃiˈʃi/ :: pee (urine)
{interj} :: shoo (order to keep out)
{contraction} :: contraction of deixa eu; lemme
xogum {m} [historical] :: shogun (military governor of Japan)
xogunato {m} :: shogunate (administration of a shogun)
xonar {v} [slang] :: clipping of apaixonar
xor {m} [logic] :: xor; exclusive or (logical operation that outputs true only when both inputs differ)
XOR {m} :: alternative spelling of xor
Xororó {prop} :: given name
xota {f} [slang] :: female genitals; vagina
xote {m} /ˈʃɔ.t͡ʃi/ :: a Brazilian dance and music subgenre associated with forró
xote {m} [South Brazil] :: a dance and music genre of South Brazil
xote {m} [dated] :: schottische; schottisch (a lively dance similar to polka)
xou {m} :: rare spelling of show
xou {adj} :: rare spelling of show
xoxota {f} [slang] /ʃoˈʃɔ.tɐ/ :: pussy (female genitalia)
xpto {adj} [colloquial] /ʃiʃpeteˈɔ/ :: cutting-edge (representing the forefront, or position of greatest advancement)
xuá {interj} [onomatopoeia] :: the sound of rushing water
xuá {m} [rare] :: alternative form of schwa
xucro {adj} [Brazil, South Brazil, Minas Gerais, of an animal] :: untamed
xucro {adj} [Brazil] :: inexperienced
xucro {adj} [Brazil] :: rude or uncouth
xucro {adj} [Brazil, of a drink] :: without sugar; sugarless
xurumbambo {m} [Brazil] /ʃu.ɾũ.ˈbɐ̃.bu/ :: old and worn-out object
xuxu {m} :: nonstandard spelling of chuchu
xúxu {m} :: nonstandard spelling of chuchu
xylema {m} :: obsolete spelling of xilema
xylo- {prefix} :: obsolete spelling of xilo-