på lur

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Norwegian Nynorsk




From the verb lura.




  1. in wait, waiting to strike or ambush someone
    • 1894, Per Sivle, Svolder:
      Der laag attum Svolder Øy paa Lur, [] .
      There was lying in wait, behind the isle of Svolder, [] .
  2. up one's sleeve
    Etter middagen har eg noko på lur som eg trur du vil lika.
    After dinner, I have something up my sleeve that I think you will like.







(on) + deverbal from lura (lurk)



lur (not comparable)

  1. (usually with ligga (lie)) in wait, lurking (to ambush someone or something or the like, sometimes figuratively)
    Pirayor ligger på lur i sjögräset
    Piranhas lie in wait in the seaweed
    stressen ligger på lur i vardagen
    stress lurks in everyday life
    • 1968, Cornelis Vreeswijk (lyrics and music), “Somliga går med trasiga skor [Some people walk in tattered shoes]”, in Tio vackra visor och Personliga Person [Ten beautiful songs and Personal Person]:
      Jag är en tvivelaktig figur. Duger ej mycket till. Bakom ett hörn står döden på lur. Han tar mig när han vill.
      I'm a dubious figure. Not good for much. Behind a corner, Death lurks [stands Death in wait ("on lurk")]. He'll take me whenever he pleases.

