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къэхъун (qɛχʷun) (intransitive)

  1. to come into existence
  2. to born (Humans, Plants, Animals, Fish, Birds, etc.)
    пшъашъэм кӏалэ къыфэхъогъ — The boy was born for the girl (The girl gave a birth to a boy).
    нэкъгъэхэр шауым къыдахъох — The flowers are born (growing) in the yard.
    хьэм ишыр къэхъу — The dog's cub is born (present).
    пцӏэжъйэр хы чӏэгъым къычӏахъо — The fish is born (present) under the sea.
    хьэм ишыр къэхъу — The dog's cub is born (present).