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English citations of haired

  • 1888, Charles Wyville Thomson, Sir John Murray, Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, page 40:
    It was pointed at the tip, and whilst its dorsum was haired the opposite surface was hairless, hollowed out into a concha and directed forwards and outwards.
  • 1967, The Major Insect Pests of the Rice Plant: Proceedings:
    Antennae dark brown, moderately thickly haired, about half the length of body...
  • 1993, Robert Ruark, The Old Man's Boy Grows Older, page 205:
    He made only one exception: our big rangy Llewellin setter named Frank, a blue-ticked genius that knew integral calculus where quail were concerned, and was haired almost as thinly as a pointer.
  • 2014, Gerardo Ceballos, Mammals of Mexico[1], page 306:
    Their tails are both indistinctly bicolored, but N. picta has a thinner and more haired tail.
  • 2008, Karol Jakubowicz, Miklós Sükösd, Finding the Right Place on the Map[2], page 262:
    in the second case the man's scalp was significantly more haired than on the first picture
  • 1993, Richard Sandomir, The Joy of Baldness: Men With Less Hair and the Women Who Love Them[3]:
    Baldness was plentiful in Barcelona, giving rise to the notion that being less-haired reduces earthly obstacles against them, thus increasing their aerodynamics and hydrodynamics. Look at the array of great bald Olympians