Citations:paedophilia erotica

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English citations of pædophilia erotica

  • 1906, Francis Joseph Rebman (translator), Richard von Krafft-Ebing (author), Psychopathia Sexualis, with especial reference to the Antipathic Sexual Instinct: A Medico-Forensic Study, New York: Rebman Company, 141 West 36th Street (only authorised English adaptation of the twelfth German edition), part V: “Pathological Sexual Life Before the Criminal Forum” (in contents; on page 498: “Pathological Sexuality in Its Legal Aspects”), chapter vi: ‘Violation of Individuals Under the Age of Fourteen’, §: «Psychopathological Cases», page 555:
    In addition to the aforesaid categories of moral renegades, and those afflicted with psychico-moral weakness — be this congenital or superinduced by cerebral disease or episodical mental aberration — there are cases in which the sexually needy subject is drawn to children not in consequence of degenerated morality or psychical or physical impotence, but rather by a morbid disposition, a psycho-sexual perversion, which may at present be named pædophilia erotica.
    Cf. author’s original article in Friedreich’s “Blätter f. ger. Med., 1896, and “Arbeiten,” Heft 4, p. 105.