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English citations of paranœa

Noun: antiquated spelling of paranoia

1865 1898 1899 1904–5 1907 1912
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1865, Robley Dunglison, Medical Lexicon: A Dictionary of Medical Science, Henry C. Lea (publisher, 1866), page 710:
    PARANŒA, (παρανοια, from para, and νους, ‘understanding.’) Delirium, Dementia.
  • 1898, William Blair Stewart, A Synopsis of the Practice of Medicine, E.B. Treat and Co., page 409:
    Paranœa may recover, but tends to fixed delusions and dementia.
  • 1899 C.E., Cesare Lombroso, Was Columbus Morally Irresponsible ?, in The Forum; Volume XXVII, page #549:
    No : he was not a vulgar paranœic. If paranœa had attacked one of the vulgar among his contemporaries, it would have made no more of him at the most than an anchorite or captain of adventurers bound to go to the bad.
  • 1904–5, Robert Barr, The Speculations of John Steele, Frederick A. Stokes Company (1905), page 269:
    “Does paranœa ever lead to murder, Mr. Nicholson?”
  • 1907, Nevada Legislature, Appendix to Journals of Senate and Assembly…of the Legislature, volume 23, page 53, table XXII: “Form of mental diseases of those remaining December 31, 1906”:
  • 1912, Elbert Hubbard, Hollyhocks and Goldenglow, The Roycrofters, page 92:
    Self‐pity is the first symptom of paranœa.