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English citations of unquæstionable and unquæſtionable

Adjective: antiquated spelling of unquestionable

1678 1748 1749
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1678 C.E., Lord John Lauder Fountainhall (and David Laing), Historical Notices of Scotish Affairs, volume I, page #211:
    It is anſwered, That the act of annuities is both poſterior to theirs, and does comprehend the ſpecifick caſe controverted, and hes determined the members of the Colledge of Juſtice ſhall be liable, and ſo moſt derogat from their generall ratification, which expreſſes no priviledge at all, but in the bulk; and it is unquæſtionable if the Parliament had been demanded, whither they intended by that generall ratification to exeeme them from this annuity, but the legiſlators would have anſwered negative.
  • 1748 C.E., Conyers Middleton, A Treatise on the Roman Senate, second edition, pages 52–53:
    The teſtimony of Cicero produced above, is deciſive: and the frequent declarations, which he makes, both to the Senate and the people, that he owed all his honors, and particularly his feat in the Senate, to the favour of the people [b], are unquæſtionable proofs of it.
  • 1749 C.E., Conyers Middleton, A Free Inquiry into the Miraculous Powers, Which are ſuppoſed to have ſubſiſted in the Chriſtian Church, from the earlieſt ages through ſeveral ſuceſſive Centuries, page #31:
    But for a farther illuſtration of his character, I ſhall give an inſtance or two of the doctrines, which he teaches, as orthodox and Apoſtolical, as well as of the facts, which he aſſerts, as certain and unquæſtionable.