Module:vote total

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This module needs documentation.
Please document this module by describing its purpose and usage on the documentation page.

local export = {}

-- This function returns the full vote page.
function getFullPage (pageName)
	local pageObject = (pageName)
	return pageObject:getContent()

-- This function returns the portion of a vote page with the actual votes, without the vote description and the decision.
-- It uses the full page contents as theonly parameter.
function pageExcerptFullPage (fullPage)
	-- This is the offset of the match first match of "Enter '# {{support}} ~~~~' on next blank line", which appears in the first support section.
	local offset = string.find (fullPage, "Enter '# {{support}} ~~~~' on next blank line", 1, 1) or 0

	-- cutDescription cuts the description at the start of the vote, based on the offset parameter.
	-- cutDecision cuts the decision at the end of the vote, based on the "==== Decision ====" header.
	-- result is the part of the page that has the actual list of votes.
	local cutDescription = string.sub (fullPage, offset, 100000000)
	local cutDecision = mw.text.split (cutDescription, "==== Decision ====", true)
	local result = cutDecision[1]

	return result

function normalizeNamespace(namespace)
	return namespace:lower():gsub("_", " ")

-- Processes all links that may have a namespace, stores each username in a link
-- to a "User" or "User talk" page, and returns the last username encountered,
-- or else nil.
-- Removes fragments (the part after #) and link text (the part after | if the
-- link is piped).
-- Consider the text:
-- # {{support}} per [[User:Example1]] --[[User:Example2|Example2]] ([[User talk:Example3#Fragment|talk]]) 01:00, 13 September 2015 (UTC)
-- It has three "User" or "User talk" links.
-- The username "Example3" from the last link, [[User talk:Example3#Fragment|talk]],
-- is returned.
-- Sometimes, a person has only the link to the user page or the talk page,
-- this makes sure their votes are counted too.
function getLastUsername(text)
	local username
	for potentialNamespace, potentialUser in text:gmatch("%[%[([%a_ ]+):([^|%[%]#|]+).-%]%]") do
		potentialNamespace = normalizeNamespace(potentialNamespace)
		if potentialNamespace == "user" or potentialNamespace == "user talk" then
			username = potentialUser
	return username

	getLastUsername([=[# {{support}} per [[User:Example1]] --[[User:Example2|Example2]] ([[User talk:Example3#Fragment|talk]]) 01:00, 13 September 2015 (UTC)]=]),

-- This function returns a variable with a list of all people who voted in the page.
function countVotesFullPage (fullPage)
	local votesText = pageExcerptFullPage (fullPage)

	-- Sets not-yet-created fields to 0 when they are indexed.
	local votes = setmetatable({}, {
		__index = function(self, key)
			self[key] = 0
			return 0

	-- Iterates over all lines that start with a "#" but not with "##", "#*" or
	-- "#:", which excludes discussion and crossed-out votes.
	-- Example of accepted line: # {{support}} --[[User:Example|Example]] ([[User talk:Example|talk]]) 03:16, 26 November 2015 (UTC)
	local i
	local commentStart
	while true do
		local nextCommentStart
		-- Get positions of all # at the beginning of a line, not followed by # or * or :.
		nextCommentStart, i = votesText:find("%f[^\n%z]#[^#*:]", i)
		-- Work with the comment that begins with the previous #
		-- and ends before the current #.
		-- Remove the current # from the end of the comment.
		local commentEnd = nextCommentStart and nextCommentStart - 1
		-- If # was found in the previous execution of the loop,
		-- get text between last # and current #.
		if commentStart then
			local voteComment = votesText:sub(commentStart, commentEnd)
			local username
			-- Look over every line starting with #, possibly followed by # or * or :.
			-- The first line will have # alone, but the signature
			-- may be in any of the following lines.
			for line in voteComment:gmatch("%f[^\n%z]#[^\n]*") do
				-- Find the first line that ends with a possible date.
				-- If it has a username, assume that is the person who is
				-- casting a vote in this vote comment.
				if line:find "%d%d:%d%d, %d%d? %u%l+ 20%d%d %(UTC%)%s*$" then
					username = getLastUsername(line)
					if username then
						votes[username] = votes[username] + 1
						mw.log("Didn't find username on the following line that ended with a date:\n" .. line)
			if not username then
				mw.log("Didn't find username in\n" .. voteComment)
		if not commentEnd then break end
		commentStart = commentEnd

	return votes

function voteParts ()
	-- Concerning the page "Wiktionary:Votes/Active":
	-- pageObject is the page object,
	-- fullPage is the full contents of the page.
	local pageObject = ("Wiktionary:Votes/Active")
	local fullPage = pageObject:getContent()

	-- startList is the start of the list of votes.
	-- endList is the end of the list of votes.
	-- For startList, we locate "{{votes/layout" in the code and add 14. The addition of 14 is because otherwise the "{{votes/layout" would be present in the final result.
	-- For endList, we locate "}}" in the code and subtract 1. The subtraction of 1 is because otherwise "}" would be present in the final result.
	local startList = string.find (fullPage, "{{votes/layout", 1, 1)
	startList = startList + 14
	local endList = string.find (fullPage, "}}", 1, 1)
	endList = endList - 1

	-- list is just the list of votes, as a single string.
	local list = string.sub (fullPage, startList, endList)

	-- parts = the list of votes, as an array separated by the "|" in the original text.
	local parts = mw.text.split (list, "|", true)

	return parts

function export.countSOA ()
	local parts = voteParts()

	-- voteOrder -> key = # of vote in the order, value = vote name
	-- voteContents -> key = vote name, value = the contents of each vote page
	local voteOrder = {}
	local voteContents = {}

	-- k%3 == 0 → vote title, without "Wiktionary:Votes/"
	-- k+1 == the status of the vote, if k%3
	-- k-1 == the end date of the vote, if k%3
	for k, v in pairs(parts) do
		if k%3 == 0 then
			table.insert(voteOrder, v)
			voteContents[v] = getFullPage("Wiktionary:Votes/" .. v)

	-- SOA = total number of supports, opposes, abstains
	local SOA = 0;

	for k, v in pairs(voteOrder) do
		-- count = (key = user name; value = number of votes in the given vote page)
		local count = countVotesFullPage(voteContents[v])

		for countKey, countValue in pairs (count) do
			SOA = SOA + countValue

	return SOA

function export.countPages ()
	local parts = voteParts()
	local voteCount = 0

	for k, v in pairs(parts) do
		if k%3 == 0 then
			voteCount = voteCount + 1

	return voteCount

return export