Talk:champ at the bit

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Interestingly enough, the phrase "champing at the bit" was debated in a recent episode (October 2, 2009)of "Curb Your Enthusiasm," an Emmy-winning HBO series starring Larry David, the creator of the commercially popular "Seinfeld" series. Larry and Julie Louise Dreyfus, a familiar Seinfeld principle, disagree on spelling. When Larry references the phrase and ponders its origin, Julia is certain the word "champing" is incorrect. She says it's spelled "chomping" and that it's obviously a reference to a way of eating that implies taking large, forceful bites which she demonstrates to Larry's amusement. After a moment's pause and observation, Larry suggests that the correct word is actually "champing" which has been repeatedly mispronounced over time as "chAHmp-ing," making it sound like "chomping." Julia insists she's correct and that "champing" has no meaning whatsoever. Larry responds calmly, taking care not to rile Julia since his intention in meeting with her was to persuade her to participate in a Seinfeld "reunion", by saying "I'm not so sure, I'm not so sure."

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