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Documentation for Template:arn-sp. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

This template should be used to indicate the type of spelling used in a Mapudungun entry. It is meant to be placed on the headword line, after the headword itself. It supports the following parameters:

|1=, |2=, ...
Spelling(s). Possible values are u (Unified), r (Raguileo), n (Nhewenh), a (Azumchefi). One or more spellings can be given. The template displays the spellings as qualifiers linking to the Wikipedia article on the Mapudungun alphabet, and inserts the page in a spelling-specific category.




(Unified spelling, Raguileo spelling)

and categorizes into Category:Unified Mapudungun spellings and Category:Raguileo Mapudungun spellings.