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Documentation for Template:hu-apply-to-persprons-jük. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.



This template provides a personal pronoun declension table for Hungarian suffixes and postpositions that form their third person plural with -jük. For example:

felé (towards) →‎ feléjük (towards them)



Unnamed parameters

  1. all letters before the -jük ending
    Example: -ba/-be - {{…|belé…}}
  2. optional alternative third person singular
    Example: -ba/-be - {{…|belé|bele}}

Usage examples

  • belé: {{hu-apply-to-persprons-jük|belé|bele}}
  • mellé: {{hu-apply-to-persprons-jük|mellé}}